goeasy Ltd (TSE:GSY)

goeasy (GSY) AI Stock Analysis


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goeasy's stock score is driven by strong financial performance, despite high leverage and cash flow challenges. The company's undervaluation and positive strategic initiatives, such as the new CEO appointment and senior notes offering, enhance its growth potential. However, bearish technical indicators and operational risks necessitate cautious optimism.
Positive Factors
Investment Returns
Historical data shows buying the stock at the current multiple has proven to be a highly profitable investment, with significant returns.
Portfolio Management
There are multiple sources of upside to estimates, including potential benefits from high-grading the portfolio and further stock improvements.
Stock Performance
Upgrading shares of goeasy to Outperform from Market Perform indicates increased confidence in the stock's future performance.
The stock trades at trough multiples on tariff-scenario earnings, suggesting it has already priced in downside risk from a trade war.
Negative Factors
Macroeconomic Uncertainty
Canadian consumer insolvencies were significantly above pre-pandemic averages, impacting credit performance.
Trade Uncertainty
GSY is exposed to indirect repercussions of U.S. trade uncertainty, which could impact unemployment and credit losses in Canada.

goeasy (GSY) vs. S&P 500 (SPY)

goeasy Business Overview & Revenue Model

Company Descriptiongoeasy Ltd. (GSY) is a Canadian company operating in the financial services sector, specializing in providing non-prime leasing and lending services through its two main divisions: easyhome and easyfinancial. easyhome offers lease-to-own merchandise, including furniture, electronics, and appliances, while easyfinancial provides personal loans to consumers who are often underserved by traditional financial institutions.
How the Company Makes Moneygoeasy Ltd. generates revenue primarily through its easyfinancial and easyhome divisions. easyfinancial earns money by issuing personal loans to customers, charging interest rates and fees on these loans, which are typically higher due to the non-prime nature of their clientele. easyhome generates revenue by leasing household goods to customers under lease-to-own agreements, wherein customers make regular payments that eventually allow them to own the merchandise. The company also benefits from repeat business and cross-selling opportunities between its divisions, enhancing customer retention and revenue growth.

goeasy Financial Statement Overview

goeasy maintains impressive growth in revenue and profitability metrics, showcasing strong operational performance. However, the high leverage and negative free cash flow highlight areas of financial risk. The company must focus on reducing debt levels and improving cash flows to ensure long-term financial stability and growth. Investors should weigh the potential for continued growth against the risks associated with high debt levels.
Income Statement
Very Positive
goeasy has demonstrated robust revenue growth with a Revenue Growth Rate of 21.87%, alongside a strong Gross Profit Margin of 68.88% in the most recent year. The Net Profit Margin stands at a solid 18.58%, reflecting effective cost management and profitability. The EBIT and EBITDA margins of 40.01% and 60.32% respectively indicate healthy operational efficiency. Despite these strengths, the growth trajectory should be monitored for sustainability.
Balance Sheet
The company shows a high Debt-to-Equity Ratio of 3.07, indicating significant leverage which could pose risks during economic downturns. However, its Return on Equity is strong at 23.57%, signifying effective use of equity to generate income. The Equity Ratio of 23.12% suggests a moderate level of asset financing through equity, which is a positive sign amidst high leverage.
Cash Flow
goeasy's cash flow situation is challenging, with negative Free Cash Flow reflecting high capital expenditure requirements and significant debt repayments. The Operating Cash Flow to Net Income Ratio indicates that the company is not generating sufficient cash from operations to cover its net income, a potential risk if sustained long-term. It's crucial for goeasy to improve its cash generation to support future growth and reduce financial risk.
Dec 2024Dec 2023Dec 2022Dec 2021Dec 2020
Income StatementTotal Revenue
Gross Profit
Net Income Common Stockholders
Balance SheetCash, Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Investments
Total Assets
Total Debt
Net Debt
Total Liabilities
Stockholders Equity
Cash FlowFree Cash Flow
Operating Cash Flow
Investing Cash Flow
Financing Cash Flow

goeasy Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis Sentiment
Last Price151.97
Price Trends
Market Momentum
Evaluating momentum and price trends is crucial in stock analysis to make informed investment decisions. For TSE:GSY, the sentiment is Negative. The current price of 151.97 is below the 20-day moving average (MA) of 152.89, below the 50-day MA of 165.97, and below the 200-day MA of 175.38, indicating a bearish trend. The MACD of -3.91 indicates Negative momentum. The RSI at 43.65 is Neutral, neither overbought nor oversold. The STOCH value of 74.41 is Neutral, not indicating any strong overbought or oversold conditions. Overall, these indicators collectively point to a Negative sentiment for TSE:GSY.

goeasy Peers Comparison

Overall Rating
Sector (64)
Financial Indicators
Overall Rating
Market Cap
P/E Ratio
Dividend Yield
Revenue Growth
EPS Growth
* Financial Sector Average
Performance Comparison
Company Name
% Change
Fairfax Financial Holdings
Laurentian Bank

goeasy Earnings Call Summary

Earnings Call Date: Feb 13, 2025 | % Change Since: -9.88% | Next Earnings Date: May 13, 2025
Earnings Call Sentiment Positive
The earnings call reflected strong financial and operational performance with significant revenue and loan growth, alongside strategic initiatives for product expansion. Despite minor challenges with loan loss provisions and repossession processes, the company's achievements and future outlook present a positive sentiment.
Record Loan Originations and Growth
Loan originations during the quarter were $814 million, up 15% compared to $705 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. The loan portfolio finished the year at $4.6 billion, up 26%.
Strong Financial Performance
Total revenue in the quarter was a record $405 million, up 20% over the same period in 2023. Adjusted net income was a record $77.4 million, up 12% from $69 million in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Improved Efficiency Ratio
The efficiency ratio improved to 24.2%, a reduction of 410 basis points from 28.3% in the fourth quarter of the prior year.
Dividend Increase
The Board of Directors has approved an increase to the annual dividend from $4.68 per share to $5.84 per share, an increase of 25%.
Successful Expansion in Automotive Financing
Record fourth quarter originations of $139 million in automotive financing, up 31% year-over-year.
Increased Loan Loss Provision
Loan loss provision rate rose to 7.61% from 7.38% in the prior quarter due to unfavorable changes in forward-looking macroeconomic indicators.
Challenges with Repossession Turnaround Times
Delay in repossession turnaround times for secured assets due to third-party constraints, impacting late-stage delinquencies.
Company Guidance
During goeasy Ltd.'s Fourth Quarter 2024 Earnings Call, the company reported strong financial metrics and provided guidance for future growth. They achieved record loan originations of $814 million in the fourth quarter, a 15% increase from the previous year, contributing to a 26% growth in their loan portfolio, which reached $4.6 billion. The quarter saw a 20% increase in total revenue, reaching $405 million, with an adjusted net income of $77.4 million, up 12% year-over-year. The company maintained a stable credit performance, with an annualized net charge-off rate of 9.1% and a loan loss provision rate of 7.61%. They also announced an increase in the annual dividend by 25% to $5.84 per share. Looking ahead, goeasy expects to grow its loan portfolio to between $7.35 billion and $7.75 billion by 2027, with new product launches and a gradual decline in total yield to approximately 30%.

goeasy Corporate Events

Private Placements and FinancingBusiness Operations and Strategy
goeasy Ltd. Prices US$400 Million in Senior Unsecured Notes
Mar 26, 2025

goeasy Ltd. has announced the pricing of US$400 million in senior unsecured notes due in 2030, with an interest rate of 7.375%. The proceeds, estimated to be approximately C$566.4 million, will be used to partially repay existing debt and for general corporate purposes. The offering is expected to close on April 1, 2025, and includes a currency swap to manage exchange rate risks. This financial move is part of goeasy’s strategy to optimize its capital structure and strengthen its market position in the non-prime lending sector.

Private Placements and FinancingBusiness Operations and Strategy
goeasy Ltd. Announces US$400 Million Senior Unsecured Notes Offering
Mar 25, 2025

goeasy Ltd. announced its intention to offer US$400 million in senior unsecured notes, subject to market conditions, to partially repay its secured facilities and for general corporate purposes. The company plans to enter a currency swap agreement to fix the foreign exchange rate for the proceeds, with the notes expected to be guaranteed by certain subsidiaries. This move is part of goeasy’s strategy to strengthen its financial position and maintain its growth trajectory in the consumer lending industry.

Executive/Board ChangesBusiness Operations and Strategy
goeasy Ltd. Appoints Dan Rees as New CEO to Drive Growth
Mar 3, 2025

goeasy Ltd. has appointed Dan Rees as its new Chief Executive Officer, marking the first time in 25 years that an external candidate has been chosen for this role. Rees, who has a 25-year career at Scotiabank, brings extensive experience in business transformation and growth, which aligns with goeasy’s ambitions to expand its loan portfolio significantly by 2027. His leadership is expected to drive goeasy’s strategic initiatives, including product expansion and operational efficiency, ultimately enhancing shareholder value.

DividendsFinancial Disclosures
goeasy Ltd. Achieves Record Financial Results and Increases Dividend
Feb 13, 2025

goeasy Ltd. reported record financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ending December 31, 2024, highlighting significant growth in loan originations and revenue. The company’s loan portfolio grew by 26% to $4.60 billion, driven by a notable increase in credit applications. Revenue for the quarter reached a record $405 million, marking a 20% increase from the previous year. Despite a slight increase in the net charge-off rate, the company maintained stable credit performance and increased its dividend per share by 25%, indicating strong financial health and positive future prospects.

Financial Disclosures
goeasy Ltd. Schedules Q4 2024 Earnings Release and Conference Call
Jan 30, 2025

goeasy Ltd. has announced that it will release its fourth quarter 2024 financial results on February 13, 2025, after the market closes. The company will also host a conference call for analysts and investors on February 14, 2025, to discuss these results. This announcement is significant as it provides stakeholders with an opportunity to gain insights into goeasy’s financial performance and future prospects, potentially impacting investor decisions and the company’s market positioning.

OutperformA stock rated as "Outperform" is expected to perform better than the overall market or a specific benchmark over the near-to-medium term. This rating suggests that the stock is likely to deliver higher returns compared to the average returns of other stocks in the same sector or market index. Investors might consider this stock a good buying opportunity.
NeutralA stock rated as "Neutral" is expected to perform in line with the overall market or a specific benchmark. This rating indicates that the stock is neither particularly attractive nor unattractive for investment. Investors may consider holding onto the stock, as it is not expected to either significantly outperform or underperform the market.
UnderperformA stock rated as "Underperform" is expected to perform worse than the overall market or a specific benchmark over the near-to-medium term. This rating suggests that the stock may deliver lower returns compared to the average returns of other stocks in the same sector or market index. Investors might consider selling the stock or avoiding it as an investment.


This AI Analyst Stock Report is automatically generated by our AI systems using advanced algorithms and publicly available financial, technical, and market data. While the information provided aims to be accurate and insightful, it is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Any content created by an AI (Artificial Intelligence) system may contain inaccuracies and/or contain errors. Investing in stocks carries inherent risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. This report does not account for your personal financial circumstances, objectives, or risk tolerance. Always conduct your own research or consult with a qualified financial advisor before making investment decisions. The analysis and recommendations provided are based on historical and current data and may not fully reflect future market conditions or unexpected developments. Neither the creators of this report nor its affiliated entities guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information presented. Use this report at your own discretion and risk.