Deutsche Lufthansa AG (DLAKY)
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Deutsche Lufthansa AG (DLAKY) Stock Price & Analysis


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Ownership Overview

Mutual Funds
<0.01% Other Institutional Investors
99.99% Public Companies and
Individual Investors

Website Traffic

The estimated number of people who visited one or more of the websites owned by Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Desktop Users
Mobile Users


What was Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s price range in the past 12 months?
Deutsche Lufthansa AG lowest stock price was $5.67 and its highest was $8.50 in the past 12 months.
    What is Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s market cap?
    Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s market cap is $7.78B.
      When is Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s upcoming earnings report date is Mar 06, 2025 which is in 33 days.
        How were Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s earnings last quarter?
        Deutsche Lufthansa AG released its earnings results on Oct 29, 2024. The company reported $1.007 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.746 by $0.261.
          Is Deutsche Lufthansa AG overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Deutsche Lufthansa AG pay dividends?
            Deutsche Lufthansa AG pays a Notavailable dividend of $0.219 which represents an annual dividend yield of 3.36%. See more information on Deutsche Lufthansa AG dividends here
              What is Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s EPS estimate?
              Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s EPS estimate is 0.25.
                How many shares outstanding does Deutsche Lufthansa AG have?
                Deutsche Lufthansa AG has 1,200,015,000 shares outstanding.
                  What happened to Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                  Deutsche Lufthansa AG reported an EPS of $1.007 in its last earnings report, beating expectations of $0.746. Following the earnings report the stock price went down -5.384%.
                    Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Deutsche Lufthansa AG?
                    Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in DLAKY

                    Deutsche Lufthansa AG Stock Smart Score

                    Company Description

                    Deutsche Lufthansa AG

                    Deutsche Lufthansa AG engages in the provision of passenger, freight, and cargo airline services. It operates through the following segments: Network Airlines, Eurowings, Logistics, Maintenance Repair Overhaul, Catering and Additional Businesses and Group Functions. The Network Airlines segment comprises Lufthansa German Airlines, SWISS, and Austrian Airlines. The Eurowings segment focuses on the growing market for european direct sales. The Logistics segment consists of scheduled airfreight activities of the Lufthansa Cargo group. The Maintenance Repair Overhaul segment is involved in the provision of maintenance, repair, and overhaul services for civilian commercial aircraft. The Catering segment is engaged in providing airline catering. The company was founded on January 6, 1926 and is headquartered in Cologne, Germany.

                    DLAKY Company Deck


                    DLAKY Earnings Call

                    Q3 2024
                    0:00 / 0:00
                    Earnings Call Sentiment|Neutral
                    The Lufthansa Group reported record revenue and strong performances across most of its divisions. However, significant challenges remain, particularly for Lufthansa Airlines, which is facing high-cost pressures, productivity issues, and regulatory challenges in Germany. The group is optimistic about future turnaround programs and strategic growth, but current operational challenges and aircraft delivery delays present notable hurdles.Read More>
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