Angi (ANGI)

Angi (ANGI) AI Stock Analysis


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Angi's overall stock score reflects a mixed outlook. The company's financial health has improved, with no debt and better cash flow, but inconsistent past profitability and revenue growth remain concerns. Technical analysis indicators suggest bearish momentum, while valuation is moderate. Earnings call insights show strategic improvements but also highlight short-term challenges. The overall sentiment is cautiously optimistic, with potential for future growth contingent on maintaining strategic improvements.
Positive Factors
Revenue of $268 million exceeded expectations by $14 million, and EBITDA margins were better than anticipated.
Operational Strategy
The user experience is expected to be substantially better after transitioning to the new opt-in platform, driving higher conversion and usage rates.
Negative Factors
Revenue Guidance
The initial 1Q guide was softer than expected, which may lead to a 2-3% drop in consensus revenue.

Angi (ANGI) vs. S&P 500 (SPY)

Angi Business Overview & Revenue Model

Company DescriptionANGI Homeservices, Inc. is a holding company, which engages in the provision of digital marketplace for home services. It operates through the North America and Europe segments. It offers consumer services and service professional services. The North America segment includes the operations HomeAdvisor, Angie's List, Handy, mHelpDesk, HomeStars and Fixd Repai. The Europe segment includes the operations of Travaux, MyHammer, MyBuilder, Werkspot and Instapro. The company was founded on April 13, 2017 and is headquartered in Denver, CO.
How the Company Makes MoneyAngi makes money primarily through its service professional membership fees, advertising, and lead generation services. Service professionals pay for membership to gain access to Angi's vast consumer base, which can lead to increased job opportunities. Additionally, Angi generates revenue by providing service professionals with leads, which are potential customers looking for specific services. The company also earns money through advertising by offering promotional services to businesses that wish to increase their visibility on the platform. Significant partnerships with other service providers and platforms can enhance Angi's revenue streams by expanding its service offerings and reach.

Angi Financial Statement Overview

Angi demonstrates a turnaround in financial performance with improved profitability and cash flow generation in 2024 following periods of instability. The balance sheet shows strengthened financial health with zero debt, indicating reduced financial risk. While profitability and revenue growth have been inconsistent historically, recent improvements suggest potential for future growth, contingent on maintaining cost controls and revenue enhancements.
Income Statement
Angi's income statement shows a mixed performance. The company's gross profit margin is high, indicating cost efficiency. However, the net profit margin has been volatile, with recent improvements in profitability in 2024 after a loss in 2023. Revenue growth has been inconsistent, showing a decline in recent years. The EBIT and EBITDA margins indicate a slight positive trend in operational efficiency for the most recent year, but historical data shows fluctuations.
Balance Sheet
Angi's balance sheet is relatively strong with a zero debt position in 2024, improving from a significant debt level previously. The company exhibits a healthy equity ratio, reflecting financial stability. Return on Equity shows improvement in 2024, indicating better utilization of equity. However, historic liability levels have been substantial, suggesting a need for cautious financial management.
Cash Flow
Angi's cash flow statement highlights a robust operational cash flow in 2024, with significant free cash flow growth compared to the previous years. The operating cash flow to net income ratio is solid, reflecting effective cash generation from operations relative to net income. However, free cash flow to net income ratio shows some instability in earlier years, which has improved recently.
TTMDec 2024Dec 2023Dec 2022Dec 2021Dec 2020
Income StatementTotal Revenue
Gross Profit
Net Income Common Stockholders
Balance SheetCash, Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Investments
Total Assets
Total Debt
Net Debt
Total Liabilities
Stockholders Equity
Cash FlowFree Cash Flow
Operating Cash Flow
Investing Cash Flow
Financing Cash Flow

Angi Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis Sentiment
Last Price1.57
Price Trends
Market Momentum
Evaluating momentum and price trends is crucial in stock analysis to make informed investment decisions. For ANGI, the sentiment is Negative. The current price of 1.57 is below the 20-day moving average (MA) of 1.70, below the 50-day MA of 1.73, and below the 200-day MA of 2.11, indicating a bearish trend. The MACD of -0.05 indicates Positive momentum. The RSI at 36.95 is Neutral, neither overbought nor oversold. The STOCH value of 35.90 is Neutral, not indicating any strong overbought or oversold conditions. Overall, these indicators collectively point to a Negative sentiment for ANGI.

Angi Risk Analysis

Angi disclosed 32 risk factors in its most recent earnings report. Angi reported the most risks in the “Finance & Corporate” category.
Finance & Corporate - Financial and accounting risks. Risks related to the execution of corporate activity and strategy
Latest Risks Added 0 New Risks

Angi Peers Comparison

Overall Rating
Sector (59)
Financial Indicators
Overall Rating
Market Cap
P/E Ratio
Dividend Yield
Revenue Growth
EPS Growth
* Communication Services Sector Average
Performance Comparison
Company Name
% Change
Zillow Group Class A

Angi Earnings Call Summary

Earnings Call Date: Feb 11, 2025 | % Change Since: -9.25% | Next Earnings Date: May 13, 2025
Earnings Call Sentiment Neutral
The earnings call highlighted significant improvements in cash flow and digital growth at Dotdash Meredith, alongside a successful turnaround at Angi and strong performance at MGM. However, there are concerns about Angi's short-term revenue outlook and elevated corporate expenses due to non-recurring costs. Despite these challenges, the overall sentiment leans towards cautious optimism given the strategic improvements and potential for growth.
Strong Cash Flow Improvement
IAC reported a nearly $250 million increase in cash flow year-on-year, reaching almost $300 million, indicating strong financial performance and efficient operations.
Digital Revenue Growth at Dotdash Meredith
Dotdash Meredith reported 10% digital revenue growth for the fourth quarter. The company reversed previous traffic declines, with traffic up 8% and digital advertising growing 3%.
Successful Turnaround at Angi
Angi successfully returned to a positive cash flow trajectory after reducing capital expenditures from $115 million to $50 million, setting the stage for future growth.
Positive Momentum in MGM Operations
MGM is described as running like a 'Patek Philippe watch' with superb management and high occupancy rates, highlighting its strong market position and operational efficiency.
First Quarter Outlook Concerns
Angi's Q1 outlook is below previous expectations, with anticipated year-over-year revenue down in the low-20s percent, primarily due to market disruptions and regulatory changes.
Challenges in Angi Revenue Growth
Angi faced challenges with non-choice revenue and a significant step-down in third-party service request channels, impacting short-term growth.
Legacy Costs and Corporate Expenses
IAC's corporate costs in 2025 are elevated due to non-recurring expenses like Joey's separation agreement and legacy litigation costs, impacting overall profitability.
Company Guidance
During the IAC and Angi Fourth Quarter 2024 Earnings Call, several key metrics and guidance were highlighted. Angi's EBITDA plummeted from $260 million to $35 million two years prior, while its CapEx rose to $115 million, prompting a strategic overhaul. This overhaul has since reduced CapEx to $50 million, leading to a positive cash flow trajectory. Dotdash Meredith experienced a turnaround with traffic increasing by 8%, and digital revenue growth improving significantly over consecutive quarters, ending with a 10% rise in Q4. IAC's businesses generated almost $300 million in cash flow for 2024, with Dotdash Meredith outperforming competitors and Angi on the cusp of growth. Looking forward, Dotdash Meredith anticipates 10% plus digital revenue growth for 2025, driven by a strong performance marketing sector, which grew 22% in Q4. The overall strategy involves focusing on core business improvements and exploring new opportunities for capital allocation, including potential investments and returning capital to shareholders.

Angi Corporate Events

Executive/Board Changes
Angi Announces Executive Leadership Changes
Feb 18, 2025

On February 18, 2025, Angi Inc. announced significant leadership changes impacting its executive team. Chief Technology Officer Kulesh Shanmugasundaram will resign effective March 31, 2025, with a transition agreement ensuring a smooth handover. David Fleischman will transition from Chief Product Officer to Chief Experience Officer, and Kris Boon will be appointed as the new Chief Product Officer, effective March 31, 2025. These changes are aimed at strengthening the company’s leadership as it continues to adapt to the evolving home services market.

Executive/Board ChangesBusiness Operations and StrategyFinancial Disclosures
Angi Inc. Revenue Falls as IAC Prepares Spin-Off
Feb 11, 2025

Angi Inc. reported a decrease in revenue by 11% year-over-year to $267.9 million for Q4 2024, with operating income dropping 72% to $2 million and Adjusted EBITDA falling 23% to $32 million. These declines were primarily due to reduced consumer marketing expenses and fewer service requests, despite a growth in international revenue and an increase in Ads and Leads operating income by 21%. Angi is set to be spun off by IAC, with the transaction expected to close in the first half of 2025, and Joey Levin has been appointed as Executive Chairman, marking a significant shift in the company’s strategic direction.

Executive/Board ChangesM&A TransactionsBusiness Operations and Strategy
Angi’s Strategic Spin-Off and Leadership Changes Announced
Jan 13, 2025

IAC announced its plan to spin off its full ownership in Angi to IAC shareholders, making Angi a fully independent company. Joey Levin, currently the Chairman of Angi’s board, will become the Executive Chairman, working alongside CEO Jeff Kip to guide Angi’s future growth. The spin-off is expected to offer strategic benefits, allowing both IAC and Angi to focus on their specific market opportunities and leverage a more effective capital structure.

OutperformA stock rated as "Outperform" is expected to perform better than the overall market or a specific benchmark over the near-to-medium term. This rating suggests that the stock is likely to deliver higher returns compared to the average returns of other stocks in the same sector or market index. Investors might consider this stock a good buying opportunity.
NeutralA stock rated as "Neutral" is expected to perform in line with the overall market or a specific benchmark. This rating indicates that the stock is neither particularly attractive nor unattractive for investment. Investors may consider holding onto the stock, as it is not expected to either significantly outperform or underperform the market.
UnderperformA stock rated as "Underperform" is expected to perform worse than the overall market or a specific benchmark over the near-to-medium term. This rating suggests that the stock may deliver lower returns compared to the average returns of other stocks in the same sector or market index. Investors might consider selling the stock or avoiding it as an investment.


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