The laws and regulations affecting the insurance industry are complex and subject to change. Compliance with these laws and regulations may increase the costs of running our business and may even slow our ability to respond effectively and quickly to operational opportunities. Moreover, these laws and regulations are administered and enforced by a number of different governmental authorities, including state insurance regulators, the U.S. Department of Justice, and state attorneys general, each of which exercises a degree of interpretive latitude. In addition, there is risk that any particular regulator's or enforcement authority's interpretation of a legal issue may change over time to our detriment, or that changes in the overall legal environment may cause us to change our views regarding the actions we need to take from a legal risk management perspective, thus necessitating changes to our practices that may, in some cases, limit our ability to grow and achieve or improve the profitability of our business. We also have been affected by, and in the future may continue to be affected by, decisions or inaction by state legislatures that result in the continuation or worsening of adverse market conditions. Furthermore, in some cases, laws and regulations are designed to protect or benefit the interests of a specific constituency rather than a range of constituencies. For example, state insurance laws and regulations are generally intended to protect or benefit purchasers or users of insurance products, and not shareholders of insurance companies. In many respects, these laws and regulations limit our ability to grow and improve the profitability of our business or effectively respond to changing market conditions, and may place constraints on our ability to meet our revenue and net profit goals.
The Insurance Entities are highly regulated by state insurance authorities in Florida, which is where each is domiciled. The Insurance Entities are also regulated by state insurance authorities in the other states in which they conduct business. Such regulations, among other things, require that certain transactions between the Insurance Entities and their affiliates must be fair and reasonable and require prior notice and non-disapproval of such transactions by the applicable state insurance authority. State regulations also limit the amount of dividends and other payments that can be made by the Insurance Entities without prior regulatory approval and impose restrictions on the amount and type of investments the Insurance Entities may make. Other state regulations require insurance companies to file insurance rates and policy forms for review, restrict our ability to cancel or non-renew policies and determine the accounting standards we use in preparation of our consolidated financial statements. These regulations also affect many other aspects of the Insurance Entities' businesses. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is time consuming and personnel-intensive, and changes in these laws and regulations may materially increase our direct and indirect compliance efforts and other expenses of doing business. If the Insurance Entities fail to comply with applicable regulatory requirements, the regulatory agencies can revoke or suspend the Insurance Entities' licenses, withhold required approvals, require corrective action, impose operating limitations, impose penalties and fines or pursue other remedies available under applicable laws and regulations.
State insurance regulatory agencies conduct periodic examinations of the Insurance Entities on a wide variety of matters, including policy forms, premium rates, licensing, trade and claims practices, investment standards and practices, statutory capital and surplus requirements, reserve, and loss ratio requirements and transactions among affiliates. Further, the Insurance Entities are required to file quarterly, annual, and other reports with state insurance regulatory agencies relating to financial condition, holding company issues, and other matters. We also are subject to the oversight and jurisdiction of certain other non-insurance regulatory agencies. These agencies typically have the authority to review, examine, or investigate certain aspects of our business related to the laws they administer.
Regulatory authorities have relatively broad discretion to deny or revoke licenses for various reasons, including the violation of regulations. If we do not have the requisite licenses and approvals or do not comply with applicable regulatory requirements, insurance regulatory authorities could preclude or temporarily suspend us from carrying on some or all of our activities or otherwise penalize us. This could adversely affect our ability to operate our business both directly and potentially indirectly through reputational damage.
State legislatures and insurance regulators regularly re-examine existing laws and regulations applicable to insurance companies and their products. Changes in these laws and regulations, or in interpretations thereof, can be made for the benefit of the consumer, or for other reasons, at the direct or indirect expense of insurers, and thus could have an adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations. In other instances, decisions by policymakers to not address adverse market conditions through effective changes to underlying statutes has caused, and in the future might continue to cause, an adverse effect on our financial conditions and results of operations. Changes to state laws and regulations can increase our costs of operations as we strive to interpret and implement them and can create civil and regulatory exposure if we fail to implement them correctly. In addition, many law changes apply only to policies issued or renewed after the laws' effective dates, and in some cases the laws are subject to legal challenges that further limit or postpone their effectiveness or cause uncertainties in their implementation. Further, experience has shown that when laws or regulations are enacted to address certain perceived problems in the insurance market, the effectiveness of those laws or regulations can be limited or negated by shifts in behaviors by consumers, vendors and their representatives. Therefore, law changes that are intended or perceived to have a beneficial effect on our business might take longer than anticipated to produce those benefits, might be less effective than anticipated, or ultimately might not be beneficial at all.