Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S (TSE:AAPL)
Canadian Market
Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S

Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S (AAPL) Price & Analysis


AAPL Stock Chart & Stats



What was Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s price range in the past 12 months?
Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S lowest stock price was C$33.20 and its highest was C$34.33 in the past 12 months.
    What is Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s market cap?
    Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s market cap is C$4.89T.
      When is Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s upcoming earnings report date is Apr 24, 2025 which is in 70 days.
        How were Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s earnings last quarter?
        Currently, no data Available
        Is Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s price is currently Undervalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S pay dividends?
          Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S pays a N/A dividend of C$0.31 which represents an annual dividend yield of 0.94%. See more information on Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S dividends here
            What is Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s EPS estimate?
            Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
            How many shares outstanding does Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S have?
            Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S has 15,022,073,000 shares outstanding.
              What happened to Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s price movement after its last earnings report?
              Currently, no data Available
              Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S?
              Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in TSE:AAPL

              Company Description

              Apple Inc. Shs Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S

              Apple designs a wide variety of consumer electronic devices, including smartphones (iPhone), tablets (iPad), PCs (Mac), smartwatches (Apple Watch), AirPods, and TV boxes (Apple TV), among others. The iPhone makes up the majority of Apple's total revenue. In addition, Apple offers its customers a variety of services such as Apple Music, iCloud, Apple Care, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple Card, and Apple Pay, among others. Apple's products run internally developed software and semiconductors, and the firm is well known for its integration of hardware, software and services. Apple's products are distributed online as well as through company-owned stores and third-party retailers. The company generates roughly 40% of its revenue from the Americas, with the remainder earned internationally.

              AAPL Net sales Breakdown

              42.72% Americas
              25.91% Europe
              17.12% Greater China
              7.84% Rest of Asia Pacific
              6.41% Japan
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