Record Backlog and Revenue Stability
BluMetric achieved a record backlog, setting up for modest revenue growth in 2024. Revenues were stable at $35.1 million for the fiscal year, with the fourth-quarter revenue at $10.3 million compared to $9.9 million in the same period of 2022.
Improved Gross Margins
Gross margins improved to 26% in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023, up from 18% in the same quarter of the prior year.
Significant Mining Market Growth
The mining market saw a 36% year-over-year revenue growth, driven by an expanding customer base and resumption of work on a large water treatment facility contract.
Strong Financial Position
BluMetric ended the fiscal year with a strong working capital position of $11.1 million, up from $10.9 million, and maintains minimal debt.
Successful Turnaround in Fourth Quarter
The company experienced a turnaround in the fourth quarter with improvements in revenue generation, gross margins, and profitability. EBITDA for the fourth quarter increased to $1.1 million from $0.3 million in the prior year's same quarter.