Starting in late February 2020, financial market volatility increased dramatically based on concerns that COVID-19, and the steps being undertaken in many countries to mitigate its spread, would significantly disrupt economic activity. In March 2020, financial market volatility increased further, with several one-day stock market swings that resulted in significant market declines. Additionally: market pricing deteriorated in virtually all sectors and asset classes except U.S. Treasury securities; many states and cities in the U.S. declared health emergencies, lockdowns, travel restrictions, and quarantines, prohibiting gatherings of more than a small number of people and ordering or urging most businesses and workplaces to close or operate on a very restricted basis; the Federal Reserve lowered short-term interest rates and started a “quantitative easing” program intended to lower longer-term interest rates and foster access to credit; the effective yields of 10-year and 30-year U.S. Treasury securities achieved record low rates; and the U.S. Congress enacted several relief laws. Government actions in the U.S. have included loan programs administered by banks and other private-sector lenders, liquidity programs administered by the U.S. Treasury, and favorable accounting and regulatory treatment (for lenders) of certain loan payment deferrals. In 2020, the economic effects of these and related actions and events in the U.S. included: large numbers of partial or full business closures; large numbers of people were furloughed or laid off; large increases in unemployment; large numbers of workers worked from home; and large numbers of consumers were unwilling to undertake significant discretionary spending. In addition, worldwide demand for oil fell, resulting in significant drops in oil prices and in the values of oil-related assets. Starting in late 2020, and accelerating in 2021, vaccines were distributed throughout the U.S. and the physical and commercial shutdowns started to abate. Late in 2021, monoclonal antibody treatments and new anti-viral medications offered hope that infected people could avoid the worst outcomes of the virus more effectively than with earlier treatments. Additional strains of COVID-19 have emerged worldwide, a few of which have caused some earlier restrictions to reappear but without the very large economic shocks experienced in 2020. It appears likely that further new strains will continue to appear, as they do with influenza. It also appears likely that a "return to normal" in 2022 or 2023 will be uneven and delayed at best, and that "normal" behavior patterns in the U.S. may become somewhat different than they were pre-COVID. Within the U.S., governmental reactions to the pandemic in 2021 have been, and in 2022 very likely will continue to be, inconsistent from state to state and from city to city. Worldwide, these inconsistencies have been more pronounced, including enforced quarantine of large population segments if any outbreak is detected in some countries, closed borders in some countries, and virtually no restrictions at all in some countries. This situation, coupled with unpredictable work slowdowns associated with illness outbreaks, likely has contributed significantly to global supply chain and related difficulties that were commonplace in 2021. We are not able to predict the impact of these still-changing circumstances on our businesses. The full extent of impacts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and other events beyond our control will depend on uncertain future developments, including new information which may emerge concerning the severity of new COVID strains, the effectiveness of vaccines and treatments on existing and new strains, and further actions governments may take to slow the spread of the virus, treat the ill, distribute the vaccines and treatments, and assist affected businesses. In addition, the pandemic has resulted in modest operational disruptions for us. Clients’ physical access to banking centers has been restricted off and on in many markets, and many non-client-facing associates continued to work largely on a remote basis into early 2022. In addition, associates have become ill unpredictably, which occasionally slowed or modestly disrupted certain functions or processes. More significant disruptions in the future could adversely impact our businesses, financial condition, and results of operations.