Record Profit for 2024
Profit reached a record €12.6 billion, supported by strong revenue growth and an increase of 8 million customers.
Improved Efficiency and Profitability
Efficiency improved by more than 2 percentage points and profitability (RoTE) increased to 16.3%.
Strong Capital Position
Capital ratio reached an all-time high of 12.8%, reflecting strong organic capital generation.
Strong Shareholder Value Creation
TNAV and dividend per share grew by 14% despite currency pressures.
Robust Revenue Growth
Top-line revenue increased by 10% in constant euros, with fee income up 11%.
Cost of Risk Better Than Guidance
Cost of risk ended at 1.15%, better than initial guidance.
Expanded Customer Base
Grew 8 million customers across all global businesses.
Launch of Openbank in New Markets
Openbank successfully launched in the U.S. and Mexico with deposits doubling expectations.
High Fee Growth in Wealth and Payments
Wealth revenues up 15% and Payments volume up 11%.