What was Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s price range in the past 12 months?
Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A. lowest stock price was €0.28 and its highest was €0.41 in the past 12 months.
What is Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s market cap?
Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s market cap is €149.22M.
When is Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s upcoming earnings report date?
Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s upcoming earnings report date is Feb 26, 2025 which is 6 days ago.
How were Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s earnings last quarter?
Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A. released its earnings results on Sep 27, 2024. The company reported €0 earnings per share for the quarter, the consensus estimate of N/A by €0.
Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A. does not currently pay dividends.
What is Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s EPS estimate?
Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
How many shares outstanding does Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A. have?
Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A. has 400,211,500 shares outstanding.
What happened to Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.’s price movement after its last earnings report?
Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A. reported an EPS of €0 in its last earnings report, expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went same 0%.
Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Nueva Expresion Textil, S.A.?
Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in ES:NXT
Nueva Expresion Textil SA manufactures and sells fabrics. It offers lingerie, swimwear, and sportswear under the Cristal, Dazzling, Sari, Liquid, Dogitech, Winn, Cooper, and Invisible brand names.