GrafTech International Ltd (EAF)
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GrafTech International (EAF) Dividend Date & History

GrafTech International (EAF) has no upcoming dividends

Dividend Amount Per Share​

EAF Dividend Yield Range

EAF Dividend History

Record Date
Payment Date
Declaration Date
May 30, 2023May 31, 2023Jun 30, 2023QuarterlyMay 10, 2023<$0.01
Feb 27, 2023Feb 28, 2023Mar 31, 2023QuarterlyFeb 09, 2023<$0.01
Nov 29, 2022Nov 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022QuarterlyNov 10, 2022<$0.01
Aug 30, 2022Aug 31, 2022Sep 30, 2022QuarterlyAug 18, 2022<$0.01
May 27, 2022May 31, 2022Jun 30, 2022QuarterlyMay 12, 2022<$0.01
Feb 25, 2022Feb 28, 2022Mar 31, 2022QuarterlyFeb 02, 2022<$0.01
Nov 29, 2021Nov 30, 2021Dec 31, 2021QuarterlyNov 04, 2021<$0.01
Aug 30, 2021Aug 31, 2021Sep 30, 2021QuarterlyAug 04, 2021<$0.01
May 27, 2021May 28, 2021Jun 30, 2021QuarterlyMay 02, 2021<$0.01
Feb 25, 2021Feb 26, 2021Mar 31, 2021QuarterlyFeb 02, 2021<$0.01
The table shows GrafTech International Ltd’s dividend history, including amount per share, payout frequency, declaration, record, and payment dates.


Does GrafTech International Ltd pay dividends?
Yes, EAF has paid a dividend within the past 12 months.
    How much is GrafTech International Ltd's dividend?
    GrafTech International Ltd (EAF) does not pay a dividend
    When is GrafTech International Ltd ex-dividend date?
    GrafTech International's previous ex-dividend date was on May 30, 2023. GrafTech International shareholders who own EAF stock before this date received GrafTech International's last dividend payment of <$0.01 per share on Jun 30, 2023. EAF's next ex-dividend date has not been announced yet.
      When is GrafTech International Ltd dividend payment date?
      GrafTech International’s next quarterly payment date is on Jun 30, 2023, when GrafTech International shareholders who owned EAF shares before May 30, 2023 received a dividend payment of <$0.01 per share. Add EAF to your watchlist to be reminded of EAF's next dividend payment.
        Does GrafTech International Ltd have sufficient earnings to cover their dividend?
        The GrafTech International Ltd has paid a dividend in the last year and may provide dividends in the near future.
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