The recent COVID-19 pandemic has generated great challenges and uncertainties around the world. It is the largest health crisis of our time, according to the WHO. In order to mitigate the impacts of this crisis, governments and central banks around the world have intervened in the economy of their countries and have adopted unconventional measures, like the closing of non-essential economic activity and actions of monetary stimulus, with the practice of zero interest rates in addition to fiscal expansion. However, it is not yet possible to affirm whether these measures will be sufficient to prevent a global recession in 2020. The scenario being traced for Brazil at the beginning of 2020 was positive, with projections that the country would have a substantial acceleration in GDP growth acceleration with additional advances in the reform agenda and the maintenance of interest rates at historically low levels. However, the Brazilian economy is not immune to a global crisis of such large proportions. Following confirmation of the first case of COVID-19 in Brazil in January, the number of infections have increased rapidly. The impact of the pandemic has generated certain negative impacts on the Brazilian economy, including: (i) higher risk aversion, with pressures on the exchange rate; (ii) greater difficulties in foreign trade; and (iii) an increase in the uncertainties of economic agents. These impacts have been intensifying over time. As a response to the crisis, regional governments in most parts of Brazil imposed restrictions that largely paralysed economic activity in Brazil. In order to combat some of the economic effects of the pandemic, Committee of the Central Bank (Comitê de Política Monetária – "COPOM") and the Central Bank have also implemented various measures, such as a decrease in the base interest rate from 4.25% to 3.75% (a new historic minimum – this reduction occurred in a context of well anchored inflationary expectations, core inflation at levels below the inflation target and high idle capacity in the economy, which had been gradually reducing in the previous quarters). In addition, the CMN, the Central Bank and the Federal Government have implemented a variety of measures to help the Brazilian economy face the adverse effects caused by the virus by means of: · Resolution No. 4,782/20, which aims to facilitate the renegotiation of loans to companies, allowing for adjustments in the cash flows of companies and not requiring the banks to increase the provisioning; · Resolution No. 4,783/20, which reduced the minimum capital requirements, in order to enhance the lending capacity of banks; · Resolution No. 4,784/20, which extends the effects of the 'tax assets arising from tax losses' in the calculation of the 'prudential adjustments' – as originally stipulated in Resolution No. 4,680/18; · Resolution No. 4,786/20, which aims to ensure the maintenance of adequate levels of liquidity in the National Financial System, allowing the Central Bank to grant loans through the Special Temporary Liquidity Line ("LTEL"), regulated by Circular No. 3,994/20; · Resolution No. 4,803/20, amendments to the criteria the measurement of provisions for doubtful debtors of the renegotiated operations by financial institutions and others authorized by the Central Bank, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With this Resolution, the reclassification of the renegotiated operations is permitted between March 1 and September 30, 2020 to the level they were classified into on February 29, 2020; · Circular No. 3,991/20, which dismissed the advance notification of the amendment of the opening hours and compliance with the mandatory and uninterrupted hours in the case of multiple banks, like ours; · Circular No. 3,993/20, which reduced the percentage of the compulsory on time deposits and perfects the rules of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio ("LCR"). The practical and joint effect of these measures is the improvement in the liquidity conditions of the National Financial System; and · Provisional Measure No. 930/20, which aims to eliminate the asymmetry of tax treatment between the results of the exchange rate variation on investments of banks abroad and the result of the hedge/overhedge for the foreign exchange hedging of these investment. In moments of higher volatility, like the current one, the exchange rate variations cause the overhedge to increase the consumption of capital of banks and extend the market volatility, with negative effects for its functionality. The proposed measure aims to correct this imbalance, eliminating this negative effect on the foreign exchange market and on banks. Legislative Powers have also tried to approve bills that minimize the repercussion of COVID-19, including proposing the temporary suspension of taxes (such as the relaxation of the IOF on loan and the deferral of payment of PIS/COFINS) and granting tax benefits to the sectors of the economy/workers most affected. However, projections estimate that Brazil will face an economic downturn in 2020. As the vast majority of our operations are conducted in Brazil, our results are significantly impacted by macroeconomic conditions in Brazil. We cannot control, and nor can we predict what measures or policies the government may adopt in response to the current or future economic situation in Brazil, nor how the intervention or government policies will affect the Brazilian economy and how they will affect our operations and revenue. Initially, we expect our assets and liabilities to be impacted as a result of the COVID-19, however, considering the current stage of the crisis and the approved date of the financial statements in IFRS it was not possible to estimate the impacts of the COVID-19. However, our activities are in full operational capability. Since the beginning of the pandemic, our actions have taken into account the guidelines of the Ministry of Health. We have established a crisis committee formed by the Chief Executive Officer, all Vice-Presidents and the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), which meets daily and reports periodically, to the Board of Directors, evaluations on the evolution of Covid-19 and its effects on operations. In addition, we have a Risk Committee, which plays an important role in verifying the various points and scope of these actions in the Organization. We launched the Business Continuity Plan (PCN), and since the second half of March 2020, we have intensified internal and external actions, in a consistent and timely manner, with the aim of minimizing the impacts involved, of which we highlight: · giving leave to employees of at-risk groups for an indefinite period of time; · increasing the number of employees working from home, with approximately 90% of our employees from the headquarters and offices and 50% of the branch employees working from home; · Financial instruments: whose fair value may vary significantly given the price volatility of these assets, especially those issued by private companies that have a higher credit risk; · Loans and advances and other credit exposures: we expect an increase in our level of arrears in the payment of loans, to the extent that the economic situation will deteriorate further, as well as facing significant challenges to take possession and realize the collateral resulting from guarantees related to loans in default; · Deferred tax assets: whose recoverability depends on future taxable profits, which may be affected depending on the consequences of the pandemic event if it extends over a long period of time; · Intangible assets: may have their recoverable amount impacted on the basis of the changes caused by the crisis to their main assumptions of realization, such as the rates of returns initially expected; · Funding: volatility, as well as uncertainties in credit and capital markets, generally reduces liquidity, which could result in an increase in the cost of funds for financial institutions, which may impact our ability to replace, appropriately and at reasonable costs, obligations that are maturing and/or the access to new resources to execute our growth strategy; · Technical provisions of insurance and pension plans: depending on the evolution of the crisis these may be impacted negatively given the possible increase in the level of claims, mainly in the "life" segment and a higher frequency of claims from "health" policyholders with the increased use of hospitals, furthermore, we may experience higher demand for early redemptions by pension plan participants, which would impact our revenues through a reduction in the management fees we charge; and · Civil and labor provisions: the number of labor lawsuits may increase as a result of third party suppliers that go bankrupt as we may be considered co-responsible in these lawsuits. It is also possible that we could experience a greater volume of civil processes, mainly involving reviews and contract renewals. One of the main objectives of our structure of risk management is monitor the allocation of capital and liquidity, aiming to maintain the levels of risk in accordance with the limits established and, in addition, monitor the economic scenarios actively (national and international), as well as the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and will make every effort to maintain the fullness of our operations, the services to the population, and the stability of the national financial system. We offer emergency lines of credit to companies, such as funds for the financing of payrolls, as well as the extension of the installments of loan operations to individuals for which the amounts in question, up to the date of this annual report, were immaterial. We will continue to measure the future financial and economic impacts related to the pandemic, although, they possess a certain level of uncertainty and depend on the development of pandemic, as its duration or deterioration cannot yet be predicted, which could continue adversely affecting the global and local economy for an indefinite period of time, which could negatively affects the results of financial institutions and consequently the performance of our operations.