Roku (IT:1ROKU)

Roku (1ROKU) Price & Analysis


1ROKU Stock Chart & Stats

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Bulls Say, Bears Say

Bulls Say
Consumer DemandRoku TVs remain the second-best selling among the top 50 best-selling TVs on Amazon, indicating strong consumer demand.
Growth And ExpansionRoku's installed base will grow to nearly 100 million homes, reaching about 200 million viewers.
Monetization PotentialFocus on 3P DSP integrations and a full launch of home screen monetization could provide substantial upside.
Bears Say
Market CompetitionRoku lost marginal share of TV placements in search results for TVs under $500 on Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy websites.
Market RisksCompetitive risks in the TV OS market and rationalization efforts across the streaming ecosystem are seen as balancing the risk-reward at current levels.
Streaming Market DynamicsStreaming viewership and subscription growth are slowing, meaning revenue growth will need to come from product innovation and the migration of ad dollars.



Ownership Overview

Mutual Funds
0.20% Other Institutional Investors
53.42% Public Companies and Individual Investors

Website Traffic

The estimated number of people who visited one or more of the websites owned by Roku
Desktop Users
Mobile Users


What was Roku’s price range in the past 12 months?
Currently, no data Available
What is Roku’s market cap?
Currently, no data Available
When is Roku’s upcoming earnings report date?
The company’s upcoming earnings report date is not yet available.
How were Roku’s earnings last quarter?
Roku released its earnings results on Oct 30, 2024. The company reported -€0.058 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of -€0.306 by €0.248.
    Is Roku overvalued?
    According to Wall Street analysts Roku’s price is currently Undervalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
      Does Roku pay dividends?
      Roku does not currently pay dividends.
      What is Roku’s EPS estimate?
      Roku’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
      How many shares outstanding does Roku have?
      Currently, no data Available
      What happened to Roku’s price movement after its last earnings report?
      Roku reported an EPS of -€0.058 in its last earnings report, beating expectations of -€0.306. Following the earnings report the stock price went same N/A.
        Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Roku?
        Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in IT:1ROKU

        Company Description


        Founded in 2002 and based in California, Roku, Inc. is a television streaming platform. It operates through two business segments: Player and Platform. The Player segment consists of net sales of streaming media players and accessories through retailers and distributors, as well as directly to customers through the company's website. Its Roku platform allows users to personalize their content selection with cable television replacement offerings and other streaming services that suit their budget and needs.

        1ROKU Earnings Call

        Q3 2024
        0:00 / 0:00
        Earnings Call Sentiment|Neutral
        Roku achieved significant revenue growth and strong engagement metrics, buoyed by political advertising and increased device revenue. However, challenges remain with flat ARPU and negative device gross margins, combined with ongoing pressures in the M&E market.Read More>

        1ROKU Net revenue Breakdown

        85.92% Platform
        14.08% Devices

        1ROKU Stock 12 Month Forecast

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