Our business, as well as the financial services industry generally, is subject to extensive regulation, including periodic examinations, by governmental agencies and self-regulatory organizations or exchanges in the U.S. and foreign jurisdictions in which we operate relating to, among other things, securities, antitrust, anti-money laundering, anti-bribery, tax and privacy. Each of the regulatory bodies with jurisdiction over us has regulatory powers dealing with many aspects of financial services, including the authority to grant, and in specific circumstances to cancel, permissions to carry on particular activities. In particular, the SEC increased emphasis on investment adviser and private fund regulation and proposed and adopted a number of new rules that would impose significant changes on investment advisers and their management of private funds in recent years. While the new Presidential administration and the current leadership of the SEC have indicated that they intend to modify or repeal certain regulations perceived as burdensome to private funds advisers, particularly those related to ESG investing and cybersecurity, new SEC rules could result in changes to our operations and could materially impact our products and/or their investments, including by causing us to incur additional expenses.
We have expanded our business globally. Differences between the laws and rules governing our business in foreign jurisdictions compared to the United States result in inconsistent regulatory requirements that it may not be possible to fully reconcile in a cost-efficient manner across our business.
As a public company, we are subject to the reporting, accounting and corporate governance requirements of the NYSE, the Exchange Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the "Sarbanes-Oxley Act") and Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the "Dodd-Frank Act") that apply to issuers of listed equity, which impose certain significant compliance requirements, costs and obligations upon us. The requirements of being a publicly listed company and ongoing compliance with these rules and regulations require a significant commitment of additional resources and management oversight, which increases our operating costs and could divert the attention of our management and personnel from other business concerns.
The SEC oversees the activities of certain of our subsidiaries that are registered investment advisers under the Advisers Act and the activities of our BDCs that are regulated under the Investment Company Act.
Investment Advisers Act of 1940
The Advisers Act imposes specific restrictions on an investment adviser's ability to engage in principal and agency cross transactions. Our registered investment advisers are subject to additional requirements that cover, among other things, disclosure of information about our business to clients; maintenance of written policies and procedures; maintenance of extensive books and records; restrictions on the types of fees we may charge, including performance fees and carried interest; maintaining effective compliance programs; custody of client assets; client privacy; advertising; and proxy voting. Failure to comply with the obligations imposed by the Advisers Act could result in investigations, sanctions, fines, restrictions on the activities of us or our personnel and reputational damage.
Under the Advisers Act, an investment adviser (whether or not registered under the Advisers Act) has fiduciary duties to its clients. The SEC has interpreted those duties to impose standards, requirements and limitations on, among other things, trading for proprietary, personal and client accounts; allocations of investment opportunities among clients; execution of transactions; and recommendations to clients.
Investment Company Act
Our subsidiaries are the advisers to our BDCs, which are subject to the rules and regulations under the Investment Company Act. Our BDCs are required to file periodic and annual reports with the SEC and may also be required to comply with the applicable provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Furthermore, advisers to our BDCs have a fiduciary duty under the Investment Company Act not to charge excessive compensation, and the Investment Company Act grants BDC stockholders a direct private right of action against investment advisers to seek redress for alleged violations of this fiduciary duty.
While we exercise broad discretion over the day-to-day management of our BDCs, each of our BDCs is also subject to oversight and management by a board of directors, a majority of whom are not "interested persons" as defined under the Investment Company Act. The responsibilities of each of our BDC's boards include, among other things, approving our advisory contract with the applicable BDC that we manage; approving certain service providers; monitoring transactions involving affiliates; and approving certain co-investment transactions. Additionally, each quarter, the applicable investment adviser, as the valuation designee, will provide the audit committee of each of our BDCs with a summary or description of material fair value matters that occurred in the prior quarter and on an annual basis, as well as a written assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of its fair value process. The audit committee of each of our BDCs oversees the valuation designee and reports to the respective BDC's board of directors on any valuation matters requiring such board's attention. The advisory contracts with each of our BDCs may be terminated by the stockholders or directors of such BDC on not more than 60 days' notice, and are subject to annual renewal by each respective BDC's board of directors after an initial two-year term.
Our BDCs are also prohibited from knowingly participating in certain transactions with their affiliates, except as permitted by the Investment Company Act and the Co-investment Exemptive Order. For additional details, see "-Conflicts of Interest-Conflicts of interest may arise in our allocation of capital and co-investment opportunities."
The Dodd-Frank Act
The Dodd-Frank Act authorizes federal regulatory agencies to review and, in certain cases, prohibit compensation arrangements at financial institutions that give employees incentives to engage in conduct deemed to encourage inappropriate risk-taking by covered financial institutions. In 2016, federal bank regulatory authorities and the SEC revised and re-proposed a rule that generally (1) prohibits incentive-based payment arrangements that are determined to encourage inappropriate risks by certain financial institutions by providing excessive compensation or that could lead to material financial loss and (2) requires those financial institutions to disclose information concerning incentive-based compensation arrangements to the appropriate federal regulator. The Dodd-Frank Act also directs the SEC to adopt a rule that requires public companies to adopt and disclose policies requiring, in the event the company is required to issue an accounting restatement, the contingent repayment of obligations of related incentive compensation from current and former executive officers. The SEC has proposed but not yet adopted such rule. To the extent the aforementioned rules are adopted, our ability to recruit and retain investment professionals and senior management executives could be limited.
Under the Dodd-Frank Act, a 10 voting-member Financial Stability Oversight Council ("FSOC") has the authority to review the activities of certain nonbank financial firms engaged in financial activities and designate them as systemically important financial institutions ("SIFI"), evaluating, among other things, evaluating the impact of the distress of the financial firm on the stability of the U.S. economy. Currently, there are no non-bank financial companies with a non-bank SIFI designation. The FSOC has, however, designated certain non-bank financial companies as SIFIs in the past, and additional non-bank financial companies, which may include large asset management companies such as us, may be designated as SIFIs in the future. In November 2023, FSOC adopted amendments to its guidance regarding procedures for designating non-bank financial companies as SIFIs which eliminated the prior guidance's prioritization of an "activities-based" approach for identifying, assessing and addressing potential risks to financial stability. Under the previous guidance's "activities-based" approach, FSOC indicated that it would primarily focus on regulating activities that pose systemic risk rather than focusing on individual firm-specific determinations. The elimination of an "activities-based" approach over designation of an individual firm as a non-bank SIFI may increase the likelihood of FSOC designating one or more firms as a non-bank SIFI. If we were designated as such, it would result in increased regulation of our businesses, including the imposition of capital, leverage, liquidity and risk management standards, credit exposure reporting and concentration limits, enhanced public disclosures, restrictions on acquisitions and annual stress tests by the Federal Reserve. Requirements such as these, which were designed to regulate banking institutions, would likely need to be modified to be applicable to an asset manager, although no proposals have been made indicating how such measures would be adapted for asset managers.
Other Securities Laws
In addition, we regularly rely on exemptions from various requirements of the Securities Act, the Exchange Act, the Commodity Exchange Act, state securities (blue sky) laws and foreign securities laws. Those exemptions are sometimes highly complex and may in certain circumstances depend on compliance by third parties whom we do not control. The revocation, challenge or unavailability of these exemptions could increase our cost of doing business or subject us to regulatory action or third-party claims, which could have a material adverse effect on our business. For example, Rule 506 of Regulation D under the Securities Act includes "bad actor" disqualification provisions that ban an issuer from offering or selling securities pursuant to the safe harbor in Rule 506 if the issuer, or any other "covered person," is the subject of a criminal, regulatory or court order or other "disqualifying event" under the rule which has not been waived by the SEC. The definition of a "covered person" under the rule includes an issuer's directors, general partners, managing members and executive officers and promoters and persons compensated for soliciting investors in the offering. Accordingly, our ability to rely on Rule 506 to offer or sell our products and therefore a significant portion of our business would be impaired if we or any "covered person" is the subject of a disqualifying event under the rule and we are unable to obtain a waiver or, in certain circumstances, terminate our involvement with such "covered person."
Compliance with existing and new regulations subjects us to significant costs. Any changes or other developments in the regulatory framework applicable to our business and changes to formerly accepted industry practices, may impose additional costs on us, require the attention of our senior management or limit the manner in which we conduct our business. We may be adversely affected by changes in the interpretation or enforcement of existing laws and rules by these governmental authorities and self-regulatory organizations. Additional legislation or regulations, increasing global regulatory oversight of fundraising activities, changes in rules promulgated by self-regulatory organizations or exchanges or changes in the interpretation or enforcement of existing laws and rules, either in the United States or elsewhere, may directly affect our mode of operation and profitability. Moreover, our failure to comply with applicable laws or regulations, including labor and employment laws, could result in fines, censure, suspensions of personnel or other sanctions, including revocation of the registration of our relevant subsidiaries as investment advisers or our broker-dealer affiliate as a registered broker-dealer.
Even if a sanction is imposed against us, one of our subsidiaries or our affiliates or our personnel by a regulator for a small monetary amount, the costs incurred in responding to such matters could be material. The adverse publicity related to the sanction could harm our reputation, which in turn could have a material adverse effect on our business, making it harder for us to raise new and successor products and discouraging others from doing business with us or accepting investments from our products.
United Kingdom Exit from the European Union ("EU")
On January 31, 2020, the UK formally withdrew from the European Union ("Brexit").
As a result of the onshoring of EU legislation in the UK, UK firms are currently subject to many of the same rules and regulations as prior to Brexit. Since Brexit, UK firms in the financial sector have more limited access to the EU market than prior to Brexit and EU firms similarly have more limited access to the UK, owing to the loss of passporting rights under applicable EU and UK legislation. Alternative arrangements and structures may allow for the provision of cross-border marketing and services between the EU and UK, but these are subject to legal uncertainty and the risk that further legislative and regulatory restrictions could be imposed in the future.
There remains considerable uncertainty as to the nature of the UK's future relationships with the EU as well as the extent to which the UK may elect to diverge over time from the current EU-influenced regime, creating continuing uncertainty as to the full extent to which our business could be adversely affected. The legal, political and economic uncertainty and disruption generally resulting from Brexit may adversely affect both EU- and UK-based businesses. Brexit has already led to disruptions in trade as businesses attempt to adapt cross-border procedures and rules applicable in the UK and in the EU to their activities, products, customers, and suppliers. Continuing uncertainty and the prospect of further disruption may result in an economic slowdown and/or a deteriorating business environment in the UK and in one or more EU Member States.
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD")
The AIFMD regulates the activities of certain private fund managers undertaking fund management activities or marketing fund interests to investors in the European Economic Area ("EEA") and the UK, respectively.
To the extent our products are actively marketed to investors domiciled or having their registered office in the EEA or the UK: (i) those products and certain Blue Owl entities will be subject to certain reporting, disclosure and other compliance obligations under the AIFMD, which will result in those products incurring additional costs and expenses; (ii) those products and certain Blue Owl entities may become subject to additional regulatory or compliance obligations arising under national law in certain EEA jurisdictions or the UK, which would result in those products incurring additional costs and expenses or may otherwise affect the management and operation of those products; (iii) certain Blue Owl entities will be required to make detailed information relating to certain products and their investments available to regulators and third parties; and (iv) the AIFMD will also restrict certain activities of those products in relation to EEA or UK portfolio companies, including, in some circumstances, a product's ability to recapitalize, refinance or potentially restructure a portfolio company within the first two years of ownership, which may in turn affect operations of said products generally. In addition, it is possible that some jurisdictions will elect to restrict or prohibit the marketing of non-EEA products to investors based in EEA jurisdictions, which may make it more difficult for certain products to raise its targeted amount of Commitments.
In relation to certain products, we have engaged or plan to engage a third party to provide alternative investment fund manager (an "AIFM") services to said products(s). This third party AIFM provides similar services to other sponsors and products. As a result, the successful operation of the relevant products will depend in part on the third party's ability to provide these services. The loss or reduction of the services provided by the third party could adversely affect the ongoing operation of the relevant products. The third party is appointed as the AIFM for other products, and may need to devote substantial amounts of its time and attention to the activities of such other products, which may cause conflicts of interest to arise. In addition, certain changes in the regulatory status of the third party or circumstances relating to such other entities which have engaged the services of the third party may have an adverse effect on the relevant product. Although we will have the ability to replace the third party, the third party's breach of the applicable agreements or the failure of the third party to make decisions, perform its services, discharge its obligations, deal with regulatory authorities or comply with laws, rules and regulations affecting the relevant product, in a proper manner, or to act in ways that are in the relevant product's best interest could result in material adverse consequences for the relevant product. Should the third party fail to perform its obligations under any applicable agreements between it and the Blue Owl entity it is engaged by, a replacement AIFM may be required, and such replacement AIFM may be subject to approval by the relevant regulatory authority. We may not be able to replace the AIFM, or do so on a timely basis.
Alternatively, if we are able to find a replacement service provider to act as AIFM, the replacement service provider may demand terms that are unfavorable to the relevant product.
The European Union is implementing a Directive to amend AIFMD ("AIFMD II").
AIFMD II will impose obligations including: (i) minimum substance considerations that EU regulators will need to take into account during the AIFM authorization process; (ii) enhanced requirements around delegation, including additional reporting requirements in relation to delegation arrangements; (iii) new requirements applying to AIFMs managing products that originate loans; (iv) increased investor pre-contractual disclosure requirements, notably around fees and charges; and (v) a prohibition on non-EU AIFMs and AIFs established in jurisdictions identified as "high risk" countries under the European Anti-Money Laundering Directive (as amended) or the revised EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions. The final text of AIFMD II was published in the Official Journal of the European Union in March 2024, with AIFMD II due to be implemented by EU Member States from 2026. It is possible that AIFMD II may require additional costs, expenses and/or resources, as well as restricting or prohibiting certain activities, including in relation to loan-originating products and managers or products established in jurisdictions outside the EU identified as having anti-money laundering and/or tax failings.
In some circumstances, certain Blue Owl entities may be considered non-EEA managers under AIFMD. Non-EEA managers are expected to be subject to reporting and disclosure requirements under AIFMD II as well as the prohibition in respect of "high risk" jurisdictions for anti-money laundering and tax purposes. The application of other AIFMD II requirements may depend on how far individual Member States elect to apply AIFMD II to non-EEA managers, and whether any Blue Owl entities market products into the EEA. This may affect certain Blue Owl products from implementing their strategy, and/or lead to increased legal and compliance costs, in one or more EEA Member States.