Record Fundraising and Deployment
In 2024, Blue Owl raised $27.5 billion in equity, 75% higher than 2023, and over $47 billion including debt, marking a record year. The company also deployed a record $52 billion in credit.
Strong Asset Management Growth
Blue Owl ended 2024 with $265 billion in assets under management (AUM), a significant increase from the previous year.
Dividend Increase
Blue Owl announced an annual fixed dividend of $0.90 for 2025, up 25% from the prior year.
Strong Management Fee and Earnings Growth
Management fees increased by 30%, FRE by 26%, and DE by 22% for the year 2024.
Acquisition and Expansion Success
Blue Owl completed the acquisition of IPI, adding $14 billion to AUM, and expanded in alternative credit and digital infrastructure.