Gabriel Holding A/S (DE:1GH)

Gabriel Holding A/S (1GH) Price & Analysis


1GH Stock Chart & Stats





What was Gabriel Holding A/S’s price range in the past 12 months?
Gabriel Holding A/S lowest stock price was €19.50 and its highest was €38.60 in the past 12 months.
    What is Gabriel Holding A/S’s market cap?
    Gabriel Holding A/S’s market cap is €38.01M.
      When is Gabriel Holding A/S’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Gabriel Holding A/S’s upcoming earnings report date is May 08, 2025 which is in 75 days.
        How were Gabriel Holding A/S’s earnings last quarter?
        Currently, no data Available
        Is Gabriel Holding A/S overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts Gabriel Holding A/S’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does Gabriel Holding A/S pay dividends?
          Gabriel Holding A/S pays a Notavailable dividend of €1.441 which represents an annual dividend yield of N/A. See more information on Gabriel Holding A/S dividends here
            What is Gabriel Holding A/S’s EPS estimate?
            Gabriel Holding A/S’s EPS estimate is -0.1.
              How many shares outstanding does Gabriel Holding A/S have?
              Gabriel Holding A/S has 1,890,000 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Gabriel Holding A/S’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Currently, no data Available
                Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Gabriel Holding A/S?
                Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in DE:1GH

                Company Description

                Gabriel Holding A/S

                Gabriel Holding A/S is a Denmark-based company that manufactures and sells furniture fabrics of pure wool and microfibers, upholstery fabrics, components, upholstered Surfaces and related products and services. It focuses on three business areas that are Fabrics, FurnMaster and SampleMaster. Fabrics develop a wide range of furniture products; FurnMaster offers logistics solutions, cutting, sewing and assembly of furniture screens; and SampleMaster designs and produces boxes, hangers, catalogs, colour cards and other kind of promotional presentation materials. Gabriel operates through two business segments namely Fabrics which covers all products concern furniture fabrics and related textile products and Letting of office facilities which include activities of letting of office premises.
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