As a company operating in the petrochemical industry, our operations, operated by us or third parties, involve the generation, use, handling, storage, transportation (mainly by pipeline, road, train, fluvial and maritime), treatment, discharge and disposal of hazardous substances and waste into the environment. Notwithstanding our environmental, health and safety standards, policies and controls, our operations remain subject to incidents or accidents that could adversely affect our business or reputation. Our industry is generally subject to significant risks and hazards, including fire, explosions, toxic gas leaks, contamination of soil and water, spilling of polluting substances or other hazardous materials, smoke emission, failure of operational structures and incidents involving mobile equipment, vehicles or machinery, associated or not with the manufacture of petrochemicals and the storage and transportation of feedstock and petrochemical products. These events may occur due to technical failures, human errors or natural events, among other factors, and could result in significant environmental and social impacts, damage to or destruction of production facilities and communities, personal injury, illness or death of employees, contractors or community members close to our operations or close to our logistic routes and pipelines, environmental damage, delays in production, and, in certain circumstances, liability in civil, labor, criminal and administrative lawsuits, difficulties in obtaining or maintaining operating permits, and impacts on our reputation, among other consequences.
In addition, our operations, operated by us or third parties, could generate impacts to the communities, from the regular operations of the Company, as well as in the management of the existing environmental liabilities, which may result in environmental, material and human damages, fines and sanctions, including loss of operating license, in addition to damage to our image and reputation.
For example, over 30 years ago, a leak of chemical products occurred from a tank installed on a property owned by the company Companhia Carbonos Coloidais ("CCC"), located in Madre de Deus, in the State of Bahia. These products were property of the company Tecnor Tecnolumen Química do Nordeste Ltda. ("Tecnor") and may have been acquired by domestic producers at the time, including by Companhia Petroquímica de Camaçari, a company that subsequently was merged into Braskem. Both CCC and Tecnor are companies that have never had any corporate relations with Braskem and no longer have any operating activities. Moreover, the Company clarifies that it has never had any industrial operation in Madre de Deus, in the State of Bahia.
In this sense and given the Company's experience in the chemical and petrochemical industry and related products, the authorities requested Braskem's collaboration for analysis, studies and environmental remediation, with monitoring by local authorities, which has been occurring since 2003. Following the agreement between the City of Madre de Deus, the Public Ministry of the State of Bahia and the "CCC" in 2015, by means of an Amendment to this Term of Commitment, Braskem is supporting the implementation of a vacancy program of an area near to the "CCC" property, declared as public utility by the City Hall in February of 2021. The vacancy of about 190 properties is necessary for the safe continuity of the remediation. For the remediation actions, the Company estimates the approximate amount of R$110 million, which has been provisioned.
In 2020, in line with the guidelines established in its Global Policy on Risk Management, Braskem has continued to evolve and made improvements in its adoption of best practices in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), with the aim of protecting shareholders' tangible and intangible assets, ensuring people safety and protecting the environment and local communities. The ERM process involves identifying risks, assessing their impacts and determining the applicable treatment measures. As a result, the Company frequently revisits its risk matrix and treatment of the scenarios identified and prioritized, especially those involving social and environment aspects, which are prioritized by the Company.
Changes to applicable laws may impose changes on standards we have already implemented, which can take time to review and update. For example, we are concluding studies related to dams located at certain of our industrial sites as a result of a change in Brazilian law that now requires that all water and waste dams have a safety plan for these structures. We have already classified all of our dams in terms of associated risks and potential damage. At this time, we finalized the dam safety plans and the emergency response plans for two dams, with completion and homologation by public authorities in March 2021, and all planned activities were communicated to public authorities. All of our dams are small in volume, and our detailed assessments indicated some risks with regard to two structures located in Triunfo, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, and measures for mitigation were taken and communicated to the authorities until the final and definitive actions to eliminate the risks are implemented. Some environmental studies that we have commissioned have indicated instances of environmental contamination at certain of our plants. If the laws and regulations applicable to risks and safety plans change, we may be required to revise the studies that we have carried out, or take further action to rectify potential issues that would not need to be addressed under current laws and regulations. In addition, we and certain of our executive officers have received certain notices related to minor environmental violations and are or have been subject to investigations or legal proceedings with respect to certain alleged environmental violations. These environmental issues, and any future environmental issues that may arise, could subject us to fines or other civil or criminal penalties imposed by Brazilian authorities.
Also, under Brazilian federal and state environmental laws and regulations, we are required to obtain operating licenses and permits for our manufacturing facilities. If any of our environmental licenses or permits lapse or are not renewed or if we fail to obtain any required environmental licenses or permits, we may be subject to fines ranging from R$500 to R$50.0 million, and the Brazilian government may partially or totally suspend our activities and impose other civil and criminal sanctions on us.
In addition, our production and logistics processes are subject to inherent safety risks, which may lead to injuries, disability or death of our employees or individuals participating in such processes and communities, as well negatively impact the environment. Such risks cannot be entirely eliminated or mitigated despite full compliance with all safety measures applicable to us or required by laws or regulations. Despite all monitoring efforts, we may have a negative impact on our image and reputation, and on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
A sufficiently large accident at one of our plants, storage facilities, logistic equipment or pipelines could force us to suspend our operations temporarily and result in significant remediation costs and lost net revenue. Although we maintain insurance coverage for losses due to fire damage and for losses of income resulting from shutdowns due to fire, explosion or electrical damage, insurance proceeds from such insurance policies may not be available on a timely basis and may be insufficient to cover all losses, which could have a material adverse effect on our financial performance.
The existing salt mines in the state of Alagoas, Brazil, whose operation has been permanently interrupted, are also subject to similar risks and hazards. For example, in certain neighborhoods of the city of Maceió that are located near the geological area of our salt mines, there have been allegations that the ground gave way as a result of the activities carried out by us at these mines, which allegedly may have affected certain nearby private and public properties. Collective and individual lawsuits have been filed in the state of Alagoas in connection with this incident
Mining operations at our salt mine in Alagoas were halted in May 2019. Even though the risk of a sinkhole formation is unlikely, it cannot be fully disregarded. A safety area covering 15 of the 35 wells at the site of our salt mine was designated, and the entirety of the mining area has been monitored. In October 2019, a conceptual project was launched to start backfilling four cavities that came out of the salt layer, which is a condition for sinkhole formation. In November 2020, the first well began to be backfilled with sand. However, these actions are part of a large operation that, following reasonable engineering efforts, may take a few years to be completed. Other caverns that are comparatively more stable will be closely monitored. Based on the results of monitoring routines and additional studies relating to numerical simulations, which provide data to monitor the stability of the caverns, there could arise the need for further stabilization and backfilling.
The mine closure planning was presented to the Brazilian National Mining Agency, or ANM, for proper analysis and decision. Following ANM's approval, we have been implementing actions consisting of backfilling four salt wells with solid material, and conventional closure and monitoring of our remaining salt wells. These actions were defined based on the recommendations of studies carried out by independent institutions and nationally and internationally recognized experts, which have been shared with ANM.
In September 2020, specialized and independent technical studies commissioned by us and carried out by internationally recognized entities (the "Studies") were concluded. The Studies presented the potential impacts from the geological event on the surface of the region, bringing an analysis of scenarios in the short and long terms, which included areas identified by the Civil Defense Map of June 2020. The Studies were submitted to the competent Authorities for definition of possible actions to be taken under mutual agreement. Given the update of the Civil Defense Map, in September 2020, the Company and the Authorities agreed to include additional properties in the Financial Compensation and Support for Relocation Program ("PCF"), with the execution of the Instrument of Resolutions in October 2020.
On November 26, 2020, we became aware of an ANM letter, or the ANM Letter, determining the closure of the mine including the backfilling with solid material of a number of additional salt wells, as informed to the market. For the implementation of the measures defined by ANM and taking into account the preliminary information that we obtained to date we estimated approximately R$3.0 billion in costs and expenses in addition to the amounts already recorded. Such incremental costs and expenses, if confirmed, would be incurred in the long term due to the complexity of the technical aspects. Braskem presented an appeal against such decision and an order to stay was granted by ANM, suspending the effects of the ANM Letter until further technical evaluation of the appeal and of the motion for reconsideration.
In February 2021, ANM granted our motion to reconsider its order directing the implementation of additional measures for the mine closure plan proposed by us. ANM's decision maintained in place the implementation of the measures contemplated in the mine closure plan originally proposed by the Company, and for which the amount of R$1.2 billion had already been provisioned. Lastly, considering that the mine closure plan is a dynamic process with complex execution, ANM will continue to oversight the results of the measures that are being taken by the Company for closing and monitoring the mine, and accordingly further evaluations, requirements and provisions may be necessary in the future.
Our actual costs related to this matter may be materially altered based on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, the result of the monitoring and backfilling actions of the wells, potential future determinations by ANM, unforeseen technical difficulties or costs, or other factors.
In the context of the geological events occurred in Maceio, we entered into agreements with the Public Prosecutor's Office to settle three lawsuits (Ações Civis Públicas, or public-interest civil actions), ACP Labor, ACP Socio-environmental and ACP of Residents. The settlements were ratified by the court with the termination of the claims. The terms of the settlements were as follows:
- ACP Labor settlement: we committed to investing R$40.0 million to fund a Business Recovery and Promotion of Educational Activities Program for residents and workers in the districts of Mutange, Bom Parto, Pinheiro and Bebedouro in Maceió, in the state of Alagoas.
- ACP of Residents settlement: we committed to supporting the relocation of, and paying indemnification to, residents in the risk areas defined with the Public Prosecutor's Office and based on expert studies and the Civil Defense analyses, located in the districts of Mutange, Bom Parto, Pinheiro and Bebedouro in the city of Maceió, in the state of Alagoas, as set forth in the agreement. Individuals subject to relocation will be indemnified through the PCF and offered individual settlements; and - ACP Socio-environmental settlement: we committed to (i) adopting the necessary measures to stabilize the cavities and monitor the soil, implementing the measures of the mine closure planning presented to ANM and subject to its approval; (ii) repairing, mitigating or compensating potential environmental impacts and damages resulting from the mining activities (salt extraction) in the city of Maceió, to be defined by an Environmental Diagnosis developed by an expert and independent company approved by the Prosecutor's Office; (iii) allocating R$1.28 billion to implement measures in the vacated area, actions related to urban mobility and to compensate potential socio-urbanistic impacts and damages; and (iv) allocating R$300.0 million for social collective moral damages and for eventual contingencies related to actions in the vacated areas and urban mobility actions.
On December 31, 2020, based on its assessment and on that of its external legal advisors, and considering the existing information that was available, discussions held with authorities and estimates of expenses with the various safety measures to benefit residents, the Company recorded a provision of R$9,175.8 million, of which R$4,349.9 million is under current liabilities and R$4,825.8 million is under non-current liabilities. Due to the inherent change in the assumptions related to the provisions arising from new facts and circumstances, execution time and extent of the action plans, the findings of future studies conducted by experts and the outcome of pending lawsuits, the provision may be adjusted over time to reflect new developments.
The provisions are based on current estimates and assumptions and may be updated in the future due to new facts and circumstances, including changes in time, extension and way of action plans, execution; the conclusion of current and future studies that indicate recommendations of experts, and other new developments on the topic.
The measures related to the mine closure plan are subject to the analysis and approval of ANM, the monitoring of results of the measures under implementation, as well as the changes related to the dynamic nature of geological events.
Braskem continues to face and could still face various lawsuits filed by individuals or legal entities not included in the PCF or that disagree with the individual proposal of the agreement, as well as potential claims by public utility concessionaires
For example, as of December 31, 2020, Braskem was a defendant in several actions, that, in aggregate, involved the amount of approximately R$573 million, filed by individuals in Brazil and abroad, seeking the payment of indemnifications related to the geological event in Maceió. Also, in February, 2021, the Brazilian Company of Urban Trains (Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos, or "CBTU") filed a claim against the Company seeking damages in the amount of R$222.1 million and the imposition of other obligations, including the construction of a new rail line to substitute the stretch that passed through the vacated area. CBTU attributes to the action the approximate amount of R$1.3 billion.
The actions to repair, mitigate or offset potential environmental impacts and damages, as provided for in the Socio-Environmental Remediation Agreement, to be financed by Braskem, will be defined after the conclusion of the Environmental Diagnosis, to be conducted by a specialized and independent company. At this time, it is impossible to predict the outcome of these Environmental Diagnosis studies or their potential implications for additional disbursements to the costs already provisioned for by the Company. Furthermore, the Socio-Environmental Remediation Agreement sets forth the potential adherence by other parties, including the municipality of Maceió, which is under negotiation and will continue over the coming months. To date, the Company cannot predict the results of any discussions or any of their associated costs.
Therefore, we cannot eliminate the possibility of future developments related to the topic or related expenses, and the costs to be incurred by Braskem may differ from its estimates.
For additional information, see "Item 8. Financial Information-Legal Proceedings-Alagoas – Mining Activities."
Further, we may face difficulties in obtaining or maintaining operating licenses and may suffer damage to our reputation following the occurrence of any such event. Petrochemical producers are sometimes subject to unfavorable market perceptions as a result of the environmental impact of their business, which can have an adverse effect on their results of operations.
In addition, we and other petrochemical producers are subject to stringent federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations concerning human health, the handling, storage, transportation, treatment, discharge and disposal of hazardous substances and waste into the environment. Our operations in Brazil, including those of our subsidiaries Cetrel and DAC, which are responsible for providing environmental services, waste water treatment and water supply to the Camaçari Complex in the state of Bahia, for example, are subject to extensive federal, state and local laws, regulations, rules and ordinances relating to pollution, protection of the environment and the generation, storage, handling, transportation, treatment and disposal of hazardous substances and waste materials. The Brazilian government enacted the Environmental Crimes Law in 1998 that imposes criminal penalties on corporations and individuals that cause environmental damage. Corporations found to be guilty of polluting the environment may be fined up to R$50.0 million, have their operations suspended, be prohibited from contracting with the government, be required to repair damage that they caused and lose certain tax benefits and incentives. Executive officers, directors and other individuals may also be imprisoned for up to five years for environmental violations.
Our operations in the United States, Germany and Mexico are subject to extensive U.S., German, European and Mexican federal, state and local laws, regulations, rules and ordinances relating to pollution, protection of the environment and the generation, storage, handling, transportation, treatment, disposal and remediation of hazardous substances and waste materials. U.S. environmental laws and regulations may impose liability on us for the conduct of third parties, or for actions that complied with applicable requirements when taken, regardless of negligence or fault. Of particular significance to us are (1) regulatory programs to be established to implement air quality standards under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and fine particles promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or the EPA, and (2) various legislative and regulatory measures in the United States that are under review, discussion or implementation to address greenhouse gas emissions. In Mexico, we adhere to the comprehensive responsibility program promoted by the Mexican National Chemical Industry Association (Asociación Nacional de la Industria Química de Mexico – ANIQ), which is based on the responsible care standard adopted in the United States and Canada. We are also signatories of the Responsible Care program in the United States and Brazil that was launched by certain entities of the chemical industry sector worldwide.
Such existing stringent environmental and other regulations require significant capital expenditures. Our consolidated annual expenditures on environmental control were R$537.9 million in 2020, R$369.8 million in 2019, and R$329.3 million in 2018, including investments, waste and wastewater treatment, emissions management, environment licenses, environmental liabilities and other environmental expenditures. In addition, evolving regulatory requirements could require significant additional capital expenditures depending on the timing of the adoption and enforcement of specific standards imposing such requirements. In addition, changes in environmental regulations could inhibit or interrupt our operations or require modifications to our facilities. Accordingly, environmental, health or safety regulatory matters may result in significant unanticipated costs or liabilities.
We may also, from time to time, be involved in certain claims, disputes or litigation proceedings concerning environmental risks and liabilities, health and safety hazards, among others. For more information, please see "Item 8. Financial Information––Legal Proceedings."