Strong Balance Sheet
Teekay Group has one of the strongest balance sheets in the industry with no debt and considerable cash positions.
Cash Return to Shareholders
Teekay Corp. is allocating up to $230 million of its cash back into the business, including returning $144 million of capital to its shareholders, over 20% of its current market cap.
Teekay Tankers' Third Quarter Performance
TNK's third quarter earnings and free cash flow remained strong with spot rates in the low to mid-$30,000 per day. Adjusted net income was $63.5 million or $1.84 per share, and adjusted EBITDA was nearly $76 million.
Teekay Australia's Acquisition
TNK is acquiring Teekay Australia for $65 million in cash with an estimated annual EBITDA of $10 million, consisting primarily of stable, longer-term government service contracts.
Tanker Market Outlook
Spot tanker rates remained historically firm in Q3 and are expected to remain relatively firm through the winter with potential support from increased crude oil export volumes.