Zero Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
Regis Resources reported a zero lost time injury frequency rate over a 12-month moving average, marking a full year without any lost time injury, aligning with their goal of creating value safely and responsibly.
Record Financial Performance
The company achieved record cash flow, record cash and bullion build, and record operating cash flows of $166 million in Q4 2024, with $106 million from Duketon and $60 million from Tropicana.
Successful Hedge Book Buyout
The hedge book buyout in December resulted in a net positive outcome of approximately $14 million, allowing the company to leverage higher spot gold prices.
Underground Reserve Growth
For the third consecutive year, underground reserves at Duketon and Tropicana grew at a rate that outpaced depletion, indicating sustainable future production.
McPhillamys Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) Released
The DFS confirmed McPhillamys as a long-life, low-cost open pit mine with robust financial metrics and substantial leverage to the gold price.
Positive Cash and Bullion Balance
Regis Resources ended the quarter with a record cash and bullion balance of $295 million as of June 30, 2024.