Demonstration Plant Commissioning
Completed the commissioning of the Demonstration Plant in the Czech Republic and successfully produced high-purity manganese sulfate from high-purity electrolytic manganese metal.
Progress on Funding Applications
Identified several prospective funding sources through national and EU Grant and Incentive programs, and completed the EU Critical Raw Materials Act Strategic Project application.
Strategic Project Qualification
Euro Manganese is completing an application to qualify as a Strategic Project under the EU Critical Raw Materials Act, which could provide access to financing and grant funding.
Engagement with CzechInvest
Engaged with the investment and business development agency of the Czech Republic for potential investment incentives, including corporate income tax relief and cash grants.
High-Purity Manganese Offtake Discussions
Ongoing negotiations with multiple parties for offtake agreements, with interest for over 75,000 tonnes of high-purity manganese sulfate per annum in advanced stages of negotiation.