Compliance with new and more stringent environmental obligations relating to GHG emissions may require additional capital expenditures or modifications in operating practices, as well as additional reporting obligations. The integrated steel process involves carbon and creates carbon dioxide (“CO2”), which distinguishes integrated steel producers from mini-mills and many other industries where CO2 generation is primarily linked to energy use. The EU has established GHG regulations and has revised its emission trading system for the period after 2020 in a manner that may require ArcelorMittal to incur additional costs to acquire emissions allowances, as discussed below. In July 2021, the European Climate Law was published, setting a new EU climate ambition target of at least a 55% reduction in GHG emissions in 2030 versus 1990 (compared with the current ambition of a 40% reduction) and reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. In July 2021, the European Commission published the so called “Fit for 55” package aimed at aligning the EU’s climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies with the 2030 ambition set by the Climate Law. To become EU law, this set of proposals now needs to be adopted by both the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. The proposals are all interconnected, and they combine: tightening and extending of the existing EU Emissions Trading System; increased use of renewable energy; greater energy efficiency; a faster roll-out of low emission transport modes and the infrastructure and fuels to support them; an alignment of taxation policies with the European Green Deal objectives; a carbon border adjustment mechanism (“CBAM”) to prevent carbon leakage; and tools to preserve and grow ArcelorMittal's natural carbon sinks. Of particular relevance are the EU Emissions Trading System and CBAM proposals that will mainly impact the carbon emissions allowances second trading period of Phase IV, 2026-2030, in a manner that may require ArcelorMittal to incur additional costs to acquire emissions allowances. Given the controversial nature of the proposals and the expected social and economic impact, protracted negotiations and changes can be expected. Other jurisdictions have also started to enact similar regulations, including South Africa, where a CO2 tax system was introduced in 2019 and in Kazakhstan, where the Emission Trading Scheme restarted operation on January 1, 2018 with new trading procedures and allocation methods supported by an online platform for monitoring, reporting and verifying emission sources and GHG. Other regulations have been implemented in Argentina, Ukraine and Canada and additional measures may be enacted in the future in other jurisdictions, further increasing the complexity of compliance with environmental laws and regulations. Following the international agreement reached by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2015 with the aim to implement the necessary drivers to achieve drastic reductions of carbon emissions (the “Paris Agreement”), the environmental regulatory system has become more complex worldwide and the Company has taken steps to reduce its emission footprint, which in 2020 totaled approximately 124 million tonnes of CO2 (excluding ArcelorMittal USA and ArcelorMittal Italia), through various research and development initiatives, and announced in July 2021 a 2030 global carbon emissions intensity reduction target of 25%, an increase in its European 2030 carbon emissions intensity reduction target to 35% from 30% previously announced, and a Group-wide commitment to be carbon neutral by 2050. Whether in the form of a national or international cap-and-trade emissions permit system, a carbon tax or acquisition of emission rights at market prices, emissions controls, reporting requirements, or other regulatory initiatives, such environmental regulations could have a negative effect on ArcelorMittal’s production levels, income and cash flows. These laws could also negatively affect the Company’s suppliers and customers, which could translate into higher costs and lower sales. In particular, the EU Commission’s decision to further reduce the allocation of CO2 emission rights to companies (as discussed above) could negatively impact the global steel industry, as the amount of such rights is currently at the limit of technically achievable operating conditions. CO2 emissions regulations have already resulted in increased costs in Europe, and ArcelorMittal expects costs will continue to increase with the implementation of Phase IV of the ETS that started in 2021 and that has seen EU allowances prices increase significantly compared to 2020 levels. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences caused a decline in production at most EU sites in 2020. Given that, under Phase IV rules, the activity level in 2020 has an effect on the calculation of the allocation in 2021 and 2022 and also on the second trading period of Phase IV (2026-2030), the lower production levels might lead to reduced allocation. Furthermore, many developing nations have not yet instituted significant GHG regulations, and the Paris Agreement specifically recognizes that GHG emissions will peak later in developing countries. As the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (“INDC”) for developing nations under the Paris Agreement may be less stringent than for developed nations in light of different national circumstances, ArcelorMittal may be at a competitive disadvantage relative to steelmakers having more or all of their production in developing countries. Depending on the extent of the difference between the requirements in developed regions (such as Europe) and developing regions (such as China or the CIS), this competitive disadvantage could be severe and render production in the developed region structurally unprofitable. High carbon costs in combination with weakening demand, rising imports, high energy costs and high iron ore prices was one of the factors underlying the Company’s decision to implement production cuts in Europe in 2019. To address the resulting competitive disadvantage compared to imports, which is expected to increase in the future absent government intervention, the Company has been advocating vis-à-vis the European Commission to introduce a CBAM to the safeguard measures on steel imports in order to ensure that imports into Europe face the same carbon costs as producers in Europe. In July 2021, as part of Fit for 55 (discussed above), the European Commission proposed a CBAM which will progressively phase out free allocation of CO2 emissions allowances through a 10% reduction per year starting in 2026. This would, if implemented, contribute to a very significant shortage in free allocation in the second trading period of Phase IV, therefore increasing the carbon costs ArcelorMittal will face. This could result in the Company incurring significant additional costs to acquire emissions allowances, the purchase of which may or may not be effectively hedged in the future. The financial impact of any reduction or phase out of free allocations will also depend on the timing of the implementation of changes (itself dependent on political and regulatory developments), and the Company’ s parallel progress in decarbonization, the cost of which may also be higher than currently expected. In addition, the effectiveness of the CBAM proposal against carbon leakage is untested and the provisions to address circumvention risks, including resource shuffling and cost absorption seem insufficient. No assurance can be given as to the timing or adoption of such proposal or its implementation. In addition, as regulators and investors increasingly focus on climate change issues, the Company is exposed to the risk of frameworks and regulations being adopted that are ill-adapted to its operations. For example, the most established framework for carbon pricing and emissions trading schemes is currently the European Union's ETS discussed above. As mentioned above, the Company has highlighted the importance that a CBAM be included in this system in order to avoid competitive distortions such as European steel becoming overpriced due to European carbon policy, prompting the market to outsource its steel from other regions where carbon is less expensive. With respect to investors, the European Union has reached a political agreement on a package of measures to implement key actions with respect to its sustainable finance plan, and, in June 2020, the European Commission published the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance, a unified classification system to define what can be considered an environmentally sustainable economic activity, as a step in the efforts to channel investments into sustainable activities by making it clearer which economic activities most contribute to meeting the EU's environmental objectives. The Taxonomy Delegated Act on climate mitigation and adaptation criteria is effective as of January 1, 2022 but Delegated Acts for the four other environmental objectives are still pending. A proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD”), which envisages the adoption of EU sustainability reporting standards to be developed by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (“EFRAG”), with such standards to be tailored to EU policies building on and contributing to international standardization initiatives, is to be adopted by October 2022. The SEC has also indicated that it plans to adopt new climate change disclosure requirements. If the standards or requirements adopted are not appropriate for the Company or if investors, financial institutions or other stakeholders, including the public, begin to view investments in steel and mining as undesirable, it may become more difficult and/or more expensive for the Company to obtain financing. While the Company has taken significant steps and continues to adapt its operations in light of climate change and the need for sustainability, such steps may not be in line with future frameworks or regulations or market views of investment suitability. Moreover, the Company may in the future face increasing shareholder activism and/or litigation in relation to sustainability matters. See also “The Group’s carbon emissions intensity reduction targets are based on current assumptions with respect to the costs, government and societal support for the reduction of carbon emissions in particular regions and the advancement of technology and infrastructure related to the reduction of carbon emissions over time, which may not correspond in the future to ArcelorMittal’s current assumptions and may render its targets more costly, more difficult, or even impossible, to achieve”. For further information on environmental laws and regulations and how they affect the Company's operations, see “Business overview—Government regulations—Environmental laws and regulations” and note 9.1 to ArcelorMittal’s consolidated financial statements.