The operation of electric generation and distribution infrastructure involves many risks, including start-up risks, breakdown or failure of equipment, fires developing from our power lines, transformers, energy storage facilities, or substations, dam failure at one of our hydroelectric facilities, the dependence on a specific fuel source, including the supply and transportation of fuel, the risk of performance below expected or contracted levels of output or efficiency, members of the public or contractors coming into contact with our infrastructure, public and employee safety, operator error and ruptured oil and chemical tanks. The operation of our natural gas distribution and transportation infrastructure also involves many risks, such as leaks, explosions, mechanical problems, members of the public or contractors coming into contact with our infrastructure, and employee and public safety. In addition, the North American electric transmission grid is highly interconnected and, in extraordinary circumstances, disruptions at particular points within the grid could cause an extensive power outage in our service territories. Increased utilization of customer- and third party-owned generation technologies could also disrupt the reliability and balance of the electricity grid. Further, the electric transmission system in our utilities' service territories can experience constraints, limiting the ability to transmit electricity within our service territories. The transmission constraints could result in an inability to deliver electricity from generating facilities, particularly wind and solar generating facilities, to the national grid, or to access lower cost sources of electricity.
These risks could cause significant harm to employees, customers and the public, including loss of human life, significant damage to property, adverse impacts on the environment and impairment of our operations, all of which could result in substantial financial losses to us. We are also responsible for compliance with new and changing regulatory standards involving safety, reliability and environmental compliance, including regulations under the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and the Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration. Failure to meet these regulatory standards could result in substantial fines. Lastly, we have obligations to provide electric and natural gas service to customers under regulatory requirements and contractual commitments. Failure to meet our service obligations, and failure of IPL's solar generating facilities to achieve a certain level of output, could adversely impact our financial condition and results of operations.