We recognize that Magna Mirrors, our main competitor, has considerably more resources available to it, and presents a formidable competitive threat. Additionally, other companies have demonstrated products that are competitive to our FDM system and other products. We acknowledge that dimming device (e.g., electrochromic) technology is the subject of research and development efforts by numerous third parties.
On March 31, 2014 the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers petitioned the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ("NHTSA") to allow automakers to use CMS as an option to replace conventional rearview mirrors within North America, however, no final rule or legislation was made in response to this petition. At the annual SAE Government-Industry Meeting in January 2017, NHTSA requested that SAE develop Recommended Procedures for test protocols and performance criteria for CMS that would replace mirror systems on light vehicles in the U.S. market. SAE assigned the task to the Driver Vision Committee, and the SAE Driver Vision Committee created a CMS Task Force to draft the Recommended Procedures. NHTSA published a report dated October 2018 related to camera monitoring systems for outside mirror replacements. On October 10, 2019, an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) was published seeking public comment on permitting camera-based rear visibility systems, as an alternative to inside and outside rearview mirrors required under Federal motor vehicle safety standard (FMVSS) No. 111, "Rear Visibility," which currently requires that vehicles be equipped with rearview mirrors to provide drivers with a view of objects that are to their side or to their side and rear. This ANPRM builds on NHTSA's prior efforts to obtain supporting technical information, data, and analysis on CMS so that the agency can determine whether these systems can provide the same level of safety as the rearview mirrors currently required under FMVSS No. 111. The ANPRM states that one reason NHTSA is seeking additional information is because research conducted by NHTSA and others between 2006 and 2017 has consistently shown that prototype and preproduction camera-based rear visibility systems can exhibit safety-relevant performance issues. In November 2022, NHTSA conducted a public meeting and discussed the on-going research of this technology.
In July 2016, a revision to UN-ECE Regulation 46 was published with an effective date of June 18, 2016, which allows for camera monitor systems to replace mirrors within Japan and European countries. Since January 2017, camera monitoring systems are also permitted as an alternative to replace mirrors in the Korean market. In 2023, China released and made effective an updated version of its GB15084, which allows for camera monitoring systems, frameless mirrors and aspheric (free-form) glass surfaces. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company continues to believe rearview mirrors provide a robust, simple and cost effective means to view the surrounding areas of a vehicle and remain the primary safety function for rear vision today. Cameras, when used as the primary rear vision delivery mechanism, have some inherent limitations such as: electrical failure; cameras being blocked or obstructed; depth perception challenges; and viewing angle of the camera. Nonetheless, the Company continues designing and manufacturing not only rearview mirrors, but CMOS imagers and video displays as well. The Company believes that combining video displays with mirrors provides a more robust product by addressing all driving conditions in a single solution that can be controlled by the driver. The Company has been in production with the Company's FDM since 2015 and has, in the ordinary course of business, been awarded programs with fourteen (14) OEM customers. The Company is currently shipping production FDM to all fourteen of these customers. The Company's CMS solution uses three cameras to provide a comprehensive view of the sides and rear of the vehicle while still providing the traditional safety of interior and exterior mirrors, that still function when cameras are obstructed, or not functioning. The Company has previously announced that the Company continues to develop in the areas of imager performance, camera dynamic range, lens design, image processing from the camera to the display, and camera lens cleaning. The Company acknowledges that as such technology evolves over time, such as cameras replacing mirrors and/or autonomous driving, there will be increased competition.