Energy Segment Profit Increase
The Energy segment saw a significant increase in profit, resulting in a group consolidated profit increase of JPY 152.5 billion. This was due to improved margins, including chemicals and improved selling prices in the electricity business.
Upward Revision of Operating Income Forecast
The operating income forecast for the full year was revised upward by JPY 80 billion to JPY 420 billion, with operating income excluding inventory valuation expected to rise by JPY 30 billion.
Improvement in UCL and Capacity Loss
UCL performance improved by 3% from the previous year, achieving an 8% UCL rate, and significant improvements were made in facility maintenance.
Profits in Renewable Energy
Profits in the renewable energy sector increased by JPY 7.3 billion due to an increase in power generation capacity and ForEx gains from asset sales.
Free Cash Flow Increase
Free cash flow was JPY 326.7 billion, with a net cash inflow of JPY 255.2 billion, reflecting a decrease in net interest-bearing debt by JPY 270.4 billion from the end of the previous year.