
GB:36CC Price & Analysis


36CC ETF Chart & Stats

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ETF Overview

Wisdomtree California Carbon Micro

The WisdomTree California Carbon Micro ETF (Ticker: GB:36CC) is a pioneering financial instrument meticulously designed for investors seeking exposure to the burgeoning carbon credit market, specifically within the energy sector's extended term niche. This ETF offers a unique opportunity to engage with California's progressive cap-and-trade program, which is at the forefront of environmental sustainability initiatives. By investing in the WisdomTree California Carbon Micro ETF, investors gain access to a diversified portfolio of carbon credits, which are essentially permits that allow companies to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. This ETF is particularly focused on the extended term, providing strategic exposure to long-term carbon pricing trends, which are anticipated to appreciate as regulatory frameworks become increasingly stringent. The fund's niche focus on California is significant, given the state's ambitious climate goals and its position as a leader in environmental policy. The ETF not only aligns with ethical investing principles by supporting efforts to curb climate change but also presents a potentially lucrative opportunity as demand for carbon credits is expected to rise. With its laser focus on carbon credits and extended-term strategies, the WisdomTree California Carbon Micro ETF stands out as a compelling option for investors looking to capitalize on the evolving carbon economy while contributing to a sustainable future.
Asset Class
Index Tracked
Solactive California Carbon Rolling Futures TR Index - Benchmark TR Gross
Ticker Symbol

Wisdomtree California Carbon Micro (36CC) Fund Flow Chart

Wisdomtree California Carbon Micro (36CC) 1 year Net Flows: 0


What was GB:36CC’s price range in the past 12 months?
Currently, no data Available
What is the AUM of GB:36CC?
As of Jan 29, 2025 The AUM of GB:36CC is 27.93.
    Is GB:36CC overvalued?
    Not enough analysts have published a price target to calculate whether the price is overvalued.
    Does GB:36CC pay dividends?
    GB:36CC does not currently pay dividends.
    How many shares outstanding does GB:36CC have?
    Currently, no data Available
    Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of GB:36CC?
    Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in GB:36CC
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