Lyxor 10Y US Treasury Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF
The Lyxor 10Y US Treasury Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF, trading under the ticker DE:NK4J, is a sophisticated financial instrument tailored for investors seeking to capitalize on movements within the government bond market. This unique exchange-traded fund (ETF) is distinctly positioned in the Government category, with a sharp focus on U.S. Treasuries, specifically targeting investment-grade securities. It operates within the Intermediate niche, making it an intriguing choice for those with a strategic interest in the dynamics of mid-term government debt instruments.
This ETF offers a compelling daily inverse exposure of two times (-2x) to the performance of 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds. Essentially, it is designed to profit from a decline in the value of these bonds, making it a tactical tool for investors who anticipate rising interest rates or other market conditions that might negatively impact bond prices. By providing this leveraged inverse exposure, the ETF allows investors to pursue potential gains in bearish bond market environments, while also requiring an astute understanding of market trends and timing due to the inherent risks of leverage and daily rebalancing.
Overall, the Lyxor 10Y US Treasury Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF stands out as an advanced investment vehicle, offering an inverse strategy within the government bond sector for those looking to enhance their portfolio's performance through tactical asset allocation.
Lyxor 10Y US Treasury Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF (NK4J) Fund Flow Chart
Lyxor 10Y US Treasury Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF (NK4J) 1 year Net Flows: 13M
What was DE:NK4J’s price range in the past 12 months?
DE:NK4J lowest ETF price was 89.89 and its highest was 115.00 in the past 12 months.
What is the AUM of DE:NK4J?
As of Feb 06, 2025 The AUM of DE:NK4J is 21.61M.
Is DE:NK4J overvalued?
Not enough analysts have published a price target to calculate whether the price is overvalued.
Does DE:NK4J pay dividends?
DE:NK4J does not currently pay dividends.
How many shares outstanding does DE:NK4J have?
Currently, no data Available
Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of DE:NK4J?
Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in DE:NK4J
Top 10 Holdings
Weight %
Government of the United States of America 1.25% 15-APR-2028
Government of the United States of America 1.375% 15-JUL-2033
Government of the United States of America 1.125% 15-JAN-2033
United States Treasury Bond 4.625% 15-NOV-2044
Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V. 2.375% 24-MAR-2026
International Bank for Reconstruction & Development 2.5% 22-NOV-2027