Zehnder Group AG Class A (GB:0R6S)

Zehnder Group AG Class A (0R6S) Price & Analysis


0R6S Stock Chart & Stats


Bulls Say, Bears Say

Bulls Say
Business GrowthThe Ventilation division experienced a positive turnaround with organic growth of 3% in the second half, showcasing a significant business growth driver.
Financial PerformanceZehnder's revenue exceeded expectations, coming in 4% ahead of consensus and above the guidance range, highlighting strong financial performance.
Market PositionWith 60% of revenue coming from the European residential segment, Zehnder is well-positioned to benefit from preferred market themes.
Bears Say
EarningsRadiators' revenue was around 1% weaker than consensus expectations.
Industry TrendsMuted growth is expected to continue as new build permits for residential remained depressed across main European markets.
Market PerformanceRadiators recorded an organic decline of 10% across the year, with the weakest markets being France and Germany.




What was Zehnder Group AG Class A’s price range in the past 12 months?
Currently, no data Available
What is Zehnder Group AG Class A’s market cap?
Zehnder Group AG Class A’s market cap is $493.67M.
    When is Zehnder Group AG Class A’s upcoming earnings report date?
    The company’s upcoming earnings report date is not yet available.
    How were Zehnder Group AG Class A’s earnings last quarter?
    Currently, no data Available
    Is Zehnder Group AG Class A overvalued?
    According to Wall Street analysts Zehnder Group AG Class A’s price is currently Undervalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
      Does Zehnder Group AG Class A pay dividends?
      Zehnder Group AG Class A does not currently pay dividends.
      What is Zehnder Group AG Class A’s EPS estimate?
      Zehnder Group AG Class A’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
      How many shares outstanding does Zehnder Group AG Class A have?
      Currently, no data Available
      What happened to Zehnder Group AG Class A’s price movement after its last earnings report?
      Currently, no data Available
      Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Zehnder Group AG Class A?
      Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in GB:0R6S

      Company Description

      Zehnder Group AG Class A

      Zehnder Group AG is an indoor climate system supplier. Its activities are divided into the radiator and ventilation business areas. The business activity of the company is functioned through Europe and China and North America. The Europe segment comprises approx. 42 production, sales and management companies in more than 17 European countries. The China and North America segment comprises more than 10 production, sales and management companies in China and the USA. The company generates revenue from Europe.
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