
Positive Outlook on Elixirr International Plc Driven by Strong Performance and Attractive Valuation

Positive Outlook on Elixirr International Plc Driven by Strong Performance and Attractive Valuation

Stifel Nicolaus analyst Jacob Armstrong maintained a Buy rating on Elixirr International Plc (ELIXResearch Report) today and set a price target of p850.00.

Jacob Armstrong’s rating is based on several positive indicators from Elixirr International Plc’s recent performance. The company’s FY24 trading update showed results that surpassed market expectations, with revenue exceeding £111 million and an adjusted EBITDA margin of 28%. This strong performance, including a 2% beat on adjusted EBITDA estimates, suggests solid financial health and growth potential.
Furthermore, Elixirr has maintained impressive cash balances and demonstrated a consistent ability to generate profit growth since its IPO. The firm operates with a differentiated service offering, and its valuation, with a FY25E P/E of approximately 16x, is considered attractive for a company with Elixirr’s growth trajectory. These factors contribute to a positive outlook, justifying Armstrong’s Buy rating.

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