Charles Brennan, an analyst from Jefferies, maintained the Buy rating on Amadeus IT Group S.A (0P2W – Research Report). The associated price target remains the same with €85.00.
Charles Brennan’s rating is based on several key factors that highlight the promising outlook for Amadeus IT Group S.A. A significant aspect of this positive assessment is the company’s proactive approach in addressing investor concerns regarding NDC penetration. By the third quarter of 2024, Amadeus had made substantial progress in this area, which is expected to continue into the fourth quarter, further alleviating investor worries.
Additionally, the upcoming fiscal year 2025 outlook and the medium-term prospects in the hospitality sector are anticipated to be favorable, providing further confidence in the company’s growth trajectory. The anticipated results for the fiscal year 2024, set to be reported at the end of February 2025, are expected to demonstrate continued volume improvements, reinforcing the company’s strong market position and justifying the Buy rating.