Chloe Lemaire, an analyst from Jefferies, maintained the Buy rating on MTU Aero Engines (0FC9 – Research Report). The associated price target remains the same with €430.00.
Chloe Lemaire’s rating is based on MTU Aero Engines’ strong performance in the fourth quarter, particularly in its Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) segments. The company’s adjusted EBIT for Q4 was significantly higher than consensus estimates, indicating robust operational efficiency and growth in these sectors.
Additionally, MTU Aero Engines has raised its 2025 EBIT guidance by approximately 4%, surpassing previous market expectations. This upward revision is attributed to updated foreign exchange assumptions and reflects confidence in future financial performance. These positive developments contribute to Chloe Lemaire’s Buy rating for MTU Aero Engines.